You know that savages from america got invaded by civilisated europeans in the 16th? Well, savages are orcs and nagas for the 1st player and invaders are humans. You can play whoever you want but teh nagas and a other factions of humans can only be played by a human.
Changelogs: -There was a skin and model problem, now it is supposed to be fixed
Credits: -CopperCrotalus.blp, AbyssalMaiden.blp, ProteaSapiens.blp, TitanSerpent.blp, 7Ankyloturtle.blp By Daenar
-HeroAztecZealot256.blp By Kimberly
-Pygmy Villager By Skavenloft
-DraeneiGemcrafter By Sellenisko
-Earth Elemental By SuPa-
-Ice Elemental By Burning_Dragoon5
-Highborne Mage Tower, BTNNagaHallOfSecrets By Ujimasa Hojo
-WindElemental By icewolf055
-Blastoise By NightWolf
-Naga Royal Guard By Tarrasque
Naga Hall By Ultimata
Naga, savages, island