Artic Military, Intrested?

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Level 10
Mar 30, 2007
Good news! (Hopefully to some people) After finishing my second project (Survival theory) I am now starting on the Sequal to my first map ever, which i posted here about a few week's ago on the hive (Tactical commander)

Tactical commander 2! : Alpine Assualt

As you can guess, it has snow in it.

Green marine's in snow? Huh uh...Dont think so.

A good skinner/Modeler? I need you! Any arctic skin marine model's, Tank's, helicopter's, Jeep's, Snow-related vehicle's, artic building's (Covered in snow) (Modern) And anything else that can be related.


Any thing arctic related will be fine, no rush, take your time. Thank you all in advanced.
Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
This request forum hates doing actual WORK instead everyone just gives links to models that, half the time arent what we are looking for. Its a sad truth :(

EDIT: meaning i doubt anyone will help you, soory.

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

I resent that, I've done some scratch requests in the past few weeks. I just take the smaller tasks, because it's more reasonable with my time.

And the truth is, nobody will make a series of complete models for someones map unless they are interested in the map, or really like the idea of the models, so they do it for fun. And that's why people link to useful models.

Now get back on the topic of getting this dude's models done.
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
This request forum hates doing actual WORK instead everyone just gives links to models that, half the time arent what we are looking for. Its a sad truth :(

EDIT: meaning i doubt anyone will help you, soory.

I Don't agree with you one bit and i agree with Chriz, just the other day i made someone 3 icons, and iv made a bender model that took me half the day straight to make.(15hrs)

I seriously doubt you would do anything if you were in our position. Alot of us are busy and have lives. Charisma, acceptance and respect is the key to getting people interested.
Level 10
Mar 30, 2007
I'm not sure i understand correctly from what everyone had said....

Did i do something wrong?

And i'm a bit confused, i've never really looked into the request forum, and now i just did...

Am i not supposed to request model's or something? Am i supposed to ask for only 1?

I'm not sure what everyone is trying to say...
Level 12
Feb 1, 2007
This request forum hates doing actual WORK instead everyone just gives links to models that, half the time arent what we are looking for. Its a sad truth :(

EDIT: meaning i doubt anyone will help you, soory.

Werewulf and Chriz were just showing Massive_attack the rpoblems with his statement. Your request is perfectly fine. You can request more than one thing, so now you just have to wait and hope for some luckiness.
Level 10
Mar 30, 2007
Arctic Model's? Like what?

Alright then...Thank's

So ya, If your intrested, post here or PM me.

Also, if you need help looking at what i am looking for here are some link's you might be able to base the model off of.

Battlefield 2142:

(Sniper ^)

Lost planet:

Again, this is just some example's of thing's you CAN base your model off of (Not complete replica).

Just some arctic thing's that might be useful, there are no requirment's for the model to be based on one of these.

These are just for reference, you dont need to base your model on these.

Thank you in advanced.
Level 10
Mar 30, 2007
I remember RDZ saying he's gonna be gone for a bit, dont know, just remember that. And i dont find him any where.

Thank's anyway, ill ask him if i see him.

Again, if someone is intrested in helping please post or PM.

Gah...Im repeating myself.

Yes it does but guess what ? they arent up for download anymore

This request forum hates doing actual WORK instead everyone just gives links to models that, half the time arent what we are looking for. Its a sad truth :(

EDIT: meaning i doubt anyone will help you, soory

Off topic: Massive_attack, are you trying to be annoying? are you trying to hurt me somehow?....Lol
Level 10
Mar 30, 2007
I always have a harsh attitude on the request forum... no idea why.

RDZ is still here but he may not be as active here as on the hive.

Seriously, your not making sense.

And massive attack, please stop posting here unless its concerning the topic of this thread, same goes for everyone. please stick to the topic, i dont want this to be a spam thread.
Level 10
Mar 30, 2007
So, you just want someone to make an extra set of skins that have snow on them? Sorry, my mind isnt up to top notch today.

Skin's are fine, but model's are preffered. But sure, skin's are also good considering they are good and remotly match the example's i have attached (are artic skin's) The problem is though i also need vehicle's, and i dont think we have artic vehicle's (Snow mobile's, snow camo mech's) How ever i would also accept and appreciate asking someone if you are allowed to skin there model, i have 2 RDZ Mech's here that RDZ told me he doesnt really care about.

I will ask him to confirm it, than maybe you can use them and skin them to an arctic camo.

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

You do them then. You obviously don't have any comprehension of how much time and effort it takes to make a decent model from scratch do you? It doesn't matter how badass a request is, that won't make someone more inclined to make it.

Now don't stray from the topic.
Level 10
Mar 30, 2007
I would appreciate that you do not use any of my models at all. The ones you are in posession of are almost certainly of sub-standard quality.

I care about all my models.

They are no longer up for download for a reason.

Well, that was a put down. Guess we have to find another alternative. Skinning a marine would work well.

And RDZ, do you also mean i can not use the model's like, in the map?

If so that suck's... I really did like the Mech's.

Come on people, lets prove massive_attack wrong...
Level 10
Mar 30, 2007
More Example's

Here are more picture's (Examples) Of something that might inspire people to make related to the Arctic Military.

-Mech (BF 2142):

-Soldier (BF 2142 (Again) )

-Spider Mech (Lost Planet)

Yes, Battlefield 2142 and Lost planet are the main source's of arctic military like thing's i could find. If you find anything else, feel free to post it here.
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