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Arthas w/ Ashbringer?

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Level 2
May 21, 2014
Hey all, I am having the hardest time adding a weapon to the model Arthas wielding Frostmourne, I am trying to make it to where Arthas will be wielding the Ashbringer rather than Frostmourne, but I am having the hardest time doing this. I followed a few tutorials step by step, but still can't seem to get the weapon to appear on Arthas. Maybe I skipped one small, crucial step, but I have been trying at this for a while now an can't think of what I could possibly be missing. I can remove Arthas' weapon with no problems, the part I can't seem to do is getting the weapon I want to appear on Arthas to appear. If someone is willing throw me a simple model of Arthas wielding the Ashbringer, rather than Frostmourne I would greatly appreciate it. Also, I am trying to add the Ashbringer to his Paladin form and not his Death Knight form. Thanks guys.
Level 24
May 15, 2013
Hmm, if you know how to remove Frostmourne, then its easy
Open world editor, and then trigger editor, there add an action, find "Add special Effect to Unit", use the Ashbringer model and attach it in the hand where arthas is holding his deleted weapon (there should be "attach in _____" there name "left hand" or right hand" or where arthas is holding his deleted weapon)

Or there is an alternate, Just create a new custom spell (Passive and cannot be seen in Tooltip) like those Item abilities like Bonus agilities +, strength +, etc.
there might be attachment points and specials, there in special, use the ashbringer,
and in attachments, "left hand" or "right hand", just make sure not to put that dummy ability in the hero's abilities

If your having troubles, I can do it for you :)
I'll send it tomorrow, or Apathetic may already sent you one or others will
Level 2
May 21, 2014
Thank you for the quick reply. Sadly, I have tried the steps you have provided me in other tutorials and even followed yours step by step, but still have no clue what I am missing because the weapon is still invisible :thumbs_down:. I really only seem to be having trouble with weapons and armor on characters because I tried my luck with auras and that was no sweat. Not sure here, but if it isn't too much to ask I would greatly appreciate if you could toss me the model. Also, the model for Ashbringer I was trying to put on Arthas is attached in case you were wondering, but I believe that is the only model on Hive. Again though, thanks for the quick reply and willingness to help! :thumbs_up:


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