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Are there any Icon Makers?

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Level 4
Nov 19, 2007
I need a person who wants to make icons for my map. The icons that you have to make just need to be edited from the default wc icon, meaning making icon passive etc. Can someone help me?
Level 4
Nov 19, 2007
These are all the icons I need, for now. The () part is how I need them.

1. Fel Orc Facing other Direction
2. A NE Archer made from the high elven archer icon. (If this one doesn't work it doesn't matter)
3. Shield of Honor (Passive)
4. Searing Blade (Passive)
5. Fan of Knives (Passive)
6. Shadaw Strike (Passive)
7. Fel Grunt (Passive)
8. Fountain of Blood (Passive)
9. Iron Plating (Passive)
10. Serathil (Passive)
11. Death Pact (Passive)
12. Unholy Frenzy (Passive)
13. Avatar of Vengeance (turn on/off)
14. Possesion (Passive)
15. Abomination (Passive)
16. Invisibility (Passive)
17. Envenomed Weapons research (turn on/off)
18. Charm (Passive)

Thanks for your help, I hope its not too much:p
Level 4
Nov 19, 2007
OK, i can do that. BUT:

What is possesion? what is serathil? what is ''Fel Orc''(grunt, peon, wolfrider...?) what is charm? what is turn off\on type? like autocast?(searing arrows, poisoned arrows, frost armor, etc. icon type?)

1. Possesion is the ultimate attack of Banshees
2. Serathil is also the mithril forged swords upgrade
3. Fel Orc Grunt
4. Charm is the ultimate attack of Dark Rangers
5. Turn on/off type is searing arrows, heal, frost armor etc.

Did I help you enough?
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