hi people , im having trouble with this trigger , the problem is that it doesnt even deal damage , and i tried everithing and the results... nothing...
or im a stupid and i dont note the error.
this is how i made the trigger
or im a stupid and i dont note the error.
this is how i made the trigger
- Unit - Unit starts the effect of an ability
- (Ability Being Cast) equal to Arcane Blast
- Set Caster = (Triggering Unit)
- Set Target = (Target Unit of Ability Being Cast)
- Set IntDmg = Real(Inteligence of Caster)
- Level of Arcane Blast for Caster equal to 1
Then do
- Unit - Order Caster to damage Target dealing (IntDmg * 5) damage type Spells and (dun remember the other) normal
- // i made the If/Then/Else for the 3 levels