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AoS - Shared Upgrades

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Level 2
Aug 24, 2011
Hello forum. This is my first post, and I've created an account just for this very problem that I've tried everything to fix. I've actually been on this website for quite sometime, I suppose a year or two now, but I never actually made an account, but enough of this, and on to the actual problem.

The Problem
I'm actually getting pretty infuriated at the fact that it seems my map, and my map alone could possibly be corrupted. Of course, that certainly may not be the case, I will leave that up to you.

What I am trying to accomplish is very simple. I want to have an upgrade (custom made, I doubt that has any relevance, though I tried with a default upgrade as well) that I research from a building, (blacksmith), to upgrade my allies troops as well. (example: Increase Armor) Everytime I test out my map, it fails, and only upgrades my own troops. It's so damned annoying, and I've tried everything this site had to offer.

YES, I have seen this, and copied the code exactly, and still it doesn't work. Which leads me to believe my map is corrupted.

My Request:
Please, honestly I need help, as you can see from the map the I'm attaching, it is a very much so work in progress. I need this upgrade system to work, because I'm basing my whole game off of it. I already had a somewhat shitty game, but found many flaws so I decided to delete almost everything. All I'm asking is that someone please find what's wrong with my map, and fix it. Suggestions on improving anything else related to my map is welcome.



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Level 4
Aug 8, 2011
I can't open your map to check atm, but are you certain that the units of your allies' faction have the upgrades in question added to their upgrade lists?
Level 2
Aug 24, 2011
I can't open your map to check atm, but are you certain that the units of your allies' faction have the upgrades in question added to their upgrade lists?

Yes, I am certain. I have a few footmen that I own with the upgraded added to its list, and a few footmen of my ally's right next to it. When I research the upgrade, only my own units get the upgrade, and not my ally.
Level 4
Aug 8, 2011
Your triggers aren't consistent with what you are trying to do. Trigger 01 creates a unit to begin researching when another unit begins researching, however the unit that is created to do this is not able to research any upgrades.

You said that you copied the triggers in your link, but I don't see where you did. You should look back at your link and use that method; when a research is completed, add that upgrade to allied players.

You shouldn't bother accomplishing what you are doing by using your method in Trigger 01, mostly because you have no system in place for detecting when a player cancels a research in progress, and you never remove the dummy unit that is created. Imagine if a player spammed researching/canceling research; hundreds of dummy units would be created and never removed, thus lagging out your map.
Level 2
Aug 24, 2011
I see what you're saying. I'll delete that trigger, but what about the others? I have "Upgrade Strength", and "Upgrade Armor", both of which I'm positive should work. Please look over this again.
Level 4
Aug 8, 2011
Well, it looks like your armor upgrade should work, but your strength upgrade won't. This is because your strength upgrade trigger is executed when player 1 is researching the upgrade, but it's setting player 1's research level to player 5's research level, it should be the other way around.

Also, the reason why it doesn't set player 1's research level to 0, as you might expect, is because you cannot decrease a player's research level.

Remember that your two triggers are only designed to work (after you fix the strength upgrade) if player 1 is the player researching the upgrades, you need to create a similar pair of triggers that will do the same for player 5, so that it works both ways.
Level 2
Aug 24, 2011
*Did all that. Can you please test the triggers? Because they are not working as you can see. You upgrade them from the blacksmith, just do greedisgood to get the extra money. As you can see from my units, the red units, (mine) get upgraded, but the yellows do not. Please not all the units have Upgrade Armor to their upgrade list.

PS: This is an AoS type game. Yellow is an AI. I'm trying to make something where you can ugprade your troops as time goes on, but this problem is preventing me from advancing in my map.
Level 4
Aug 8, 2011
The ability your increase armor upgrade is triggered to work off of is "Iron Plating" but the blacksmith offers the "Increase Armor" upgrade.

Your increase strength upgrade trigger does not work because of the reasons I explained above; it sets the level of player 1's strength upgrade to that of player 5's. It should be setting player 5's to player 1's.
Level 2
Aug 24, 2011
Sorry for all this trouble, but I really need this to get fixed. Did what you said, and added the updated version in place of the old one. Please checkout that too, as that fails to work as well.
Level 4
Aug 8, 2011
I found your problem, it is two-fold.

1st, go to scenario->player properties->forces->check Fixed Player Settings.
This will make it so that the AI on red's team actually is player 5.

2nd, your trigger event response should be when a unit finishes research not when a unit finishes an upgrade.
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