I doubt the destroyed dummies deal the damage.
Make a Dummy spell from something with AoE targeting or point targeting.
Make a trigger with A Unit Begins the Effect of a Spell
Condition Casted spell is equal to Your spell
And then depending on whether you want it to destroy all corpses, some of them or just one, make a group set it to all units in range of the targeted point or in the targeted area.
Pick every unit in the group and do multiple actions.
You need to create an effect like an explosion with dummies for each blown corpse.
Make an action Unit Damage area
pick every unit in the area and do multiple actions
Make the caster to damage the targeted area or area around the targeted point, or the blown corpse. The damage should be a function the 6% of targets max health.
Remove the corpse.
I am sorry I have no time to make the trigger. Be sure to abuse the local variables bug(make globals and then declare locals with the same name(with udg_ at the begging).
P.s. Aaah Ahmed the dead terrorist. JIngle Bombs