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[General] Animate Dead - What are raised units classified as?

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Level 4
Jan 2, 2016
They are classified as Undead. You can only see this in game by selecting Animated units that you don't control (because the timer bar covers up where it would say this).

I believe they are classified as summoned, because in the campaign, you can Dispel Animated units to damage them, but not you cannot Dispel them in melee games (or that might be the other way around).

I believe that, in all in-game cases, units with expiration timers are classified as summoned, but having an expiration timer does not automatically confer the summoned classification. You have to add that in "Stats - Unit Classification" field in the Object Editor.
Level 11
Aug 24, 2012
You can easily check this by removing the Animated Dead invulnerability in the object editor. Then have the Animated units take some damage and try to heal them with a Death Coil from a Death Knight. Only Undead units can be healed with Death Coil.
Level 4
Jan 2, 2016
You can easily check this by removing the Animated Dead invulnerability in the object editor. Then have the Animated units take some damage and try to heal them with a Death Coil from a Death Knight. Only Undead units can be healed with Death Coil.

You wouldn't even have to damage them; you could tell by the error message. If they are Undead, it would say "Already at full health.", but if they were not, it would say "Must target enemy living units or friendly Undead units."

You can also see in the last mission of the Night Elf Frozen Throne campaign. On hard difficulty, the enemy sends a Death Knight hero at you, which uses Animate Dead, and if I recall correctly, your own Archers, Huntresses, etc. become Undead when they are Animated.

Death Pact or Dark Ritual should also tell you this
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