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Anduril's Pokemon Corner

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Level 7
Sep 23, 2007
I think it is time for me to come to grips with something: I am not a good WC III player. However, I like to think that I excell at Pokemon games. I have played most of them, and if any of you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them.
NOTE I have not played XD, Coliseum, etc.
My information on those may be faulty or limited:con:
Please do not make questions up to try to stump me; I am in fact mortal, and may not be able to answer all questions.
I can try to help build teams, I can tell you when Pokemon evolve/where to find them etc, so please, let the fun begin!
Level 7
Jun 1, 2006
Alright, I won't try to stump you but, what was the name of the second form of the first fire Pokemon you could obtain in the GB Pokemon game called: Pokemon Red?

Note: Answer wrong and I devour you soul.
Level 5
Mar 1, 2008
Okay I have a question im asking for my cousin, you see he caught groudon in Emerald but wants to know if he can catch Kyogre aswell as he prefers Kyogre over Groudon. Personally I think Raquaza pwns them both but anyway, if you could please answer this i'd be happy.
Level 7
Sep 23, 2007
Yes, he can get them both
Groudon's cave appear's randomly (In different places), he seems to have found it
The way to find him is to go to the Weather Station. The people there will tell him about weird weather occurances (either huge scary rain or giant evil drought) and where. Go there; it will be called Marine Cave (when I did it, Kyogre's cave was north of Mossdeep but it changes) There will be scary lightning, rain, etc, but it's not that bad. You'll find deep water. Dive, go through the cave, and Kyogre will be there. Good luck catching him!
Level 8
Dec 8, 2007
Long time ago (2 or 3 years) I was playing Pokemon Leaf Green and stuck in place where I needed to get inside the mansion. When i go to the door they ask for password. I tell the password but it's wrong password. Where I can get real password?
Level 7
Sep 23, 2007
Well, I'm sorry to say, my FireRed game restarted itself before I got that far, and I'm only on the 6th Gym in it now. However, I will find out for you! Have no fear! It may take a day or two though. (from previous experience, I'd say wander around talking to eveyone. There might be an item to help, or something liek that. I will find out for sure)
Level 8
Dec 8, 2007
I was wandering around for I say month (and talking to everyone I see) but I just stuck in there. It's not like I didn't find anything I just didn't find anything that would help me get in. (maybe I stuck because I was playing pokemon on gameboy emulator and game file was corrupted but there is no proof and I really don't think it's the reason)
Oh. I remember some more interesting things. In on one of the islands (7 I think) there was some strange cave full with weak zubats. Cave was strange. There was some big footprints on the ground in one part of cave. In the other there was sand. Strangest is that after wining game in emerald version you can find a cave that is made in same way(same zubats and design). So can you tell me anything about that cave.
Something more stranger - what are those markings on wall that can be found after sapphire and ruby versions? I don't know how to better describe them, just some dots and holes on wall that I beleave have some meaning.
Ok some easier question. How can I catch regirock, regice and registeel.
If you can answer on this questions I maybe could start playing this game again.
Level 7
Sep 23, 2007
Well, some of them. I haven't yet found out the secret of the Rocket Warehouse, nor do I know anything about the cave. (again, I am reclaiming my FireRed, and will soon beat the Elite Four. I will discover what you need)
The 'weird dots' are braile (the language for blind people) They are the way to catch the Regis (as I call them) First, go to the southern edge of Route 134. This is where the strong currents are. There is a calm place with deep water. Dive, and surf along the underground trench until you find some "weird dots" It actually says "go up here" Do just that. There will be an area with many rocks with braille on them. If you feel like it, translate them, but they are unimportant. The one on the wall at the end is, though. It says "use dig here" Use dig, and the door will open. Go through. Again, an area with rocks, and only the last one is significant. It says "first comes relicanth, last comes wailord." Have a Wailord last in your party and a relicanth first (good luck catchng them, it is worth it though). Then it will say that a noise sounded far away. It has; that was the sealed chambers opening. OK. Leave that area, and go to either:
Route 111- Regirock
Route 105- Regice
Route 120- Registeel
The order matters not!
At route 111, go inside the cave. There is more Braille! It says "right, right, down, down, use Strength." Take 2 steps right, then two down. Use Strength. The door will open. Go through, there is Regirock
At route 105, the Braille says "Stop and wait. Wait for time to pass twice" Basically wait for (I think) 20 seconds without moving or clicking out of the Braille. The door will open. Go in. Catch Regice
At route 120, the Braille says "With hope and love, aim for the sky in the middle" Walk to the middle and use Fly. The door will open. I think you've got it by now.
I'm fairly sure these are the right translations; it's been a while. The regis are hard to catch, but harder to find. Fortunately, you have Anduril on your side! If these ways don't work (and they should) please tell me. Heck, when they do work, tell me. Have fun catching!
Level 7
Sep 23, 2007
After you've beaten the elite Four (I think that's all. Maybe you have to be done with the SinnohDex too) Go to Veilstone. Head south along the route, hugging the right. Eventually you will see a path leading into the east. Take it. It will say 'spring path.' Keep going, then head north at the end of the eastward path. Go around the lake and enter the cave. This should be easy so far, but if you can't find this stuff I'll give you a more detailed depiction. Anyway. Go into the cave, then (what I did) keep going north, smashing the topmost boulder. It worked for me. Eventually you will find a stranger cave with Giratina in it. Bring HM pokemon with Rock smash and rock climb. Defog wouldn't hurt either. Going straight will get you to him the fastest, I beleive.

He will be on lvl 70 and his move set will be:
Earth Power
Heal Block
Shadow Force

Bring bunches of Dark Balls and Ultra Balls
Watch out, he has pressure, so whittle him down quickly

Good luck!
Level 7
Sep 23, 2007
That's not what I did.
I was just wandering around and went straight up
Other ways might be faster, but this one is dependable
Level 5
Mar 1, 2008
Alright I need help again, I just got Diamond and ive gotten far in the game, ive beaten the elite four and have caught Dialga. But do you know how to catch Darkrai? Hes my favorite pokemon (besides Raquazza).
Level 7
Sep 23, 2007
Um, well
Either get an action replay and cheat your a$$ off (here's a hint: don't) or go to Japan and buy the Promo event there. It hasn't come out in English yet. You can try to get one on the GTS, or buy one on eBay (yes, you can)
Sorry, but there's no way to get your own yet (unless you live in Japan)
I hate it too. It's the same with Shaymin and Arceus, before you ask
Level 7
Sep 23, 2007
Well.....I am really better at Pokemon than WC III.....so this is my area of expertice...
I guess I'll send you a PM if I get stumped
Level 5
Mar 1, 2008
Back Again

If I breed my shiny Salamence will I get a shiny bagon? My cousin wants a shiny bagon, but I only have a normal one. Also whats the kid in Canalave that says "Dark... Dark is watching me" do?
Level 7
Sep 23, 2007
By the way...Darkrai is coming
At the end of May/ beginning of June, select Toys R Us stores around America will have him
Breeding shinies is tough, and the chances don't improve greatly. For example, I bred a shiny Ambipom with a shiny Raticate and didn't get any shinies out of 30 babies. Want an Aipom, by the way? :)
Your favorite Pokemon, Darkrai, is haunting that kid. To free him, talk to the sailor dude in Canalave. Sail to Fullmoon Island, and walk around. You'll find Cresselia, who will then fly away (If you need help catching her, ask) Cresselia will leave a Lunar Wing behind. Pick it up, return to Canalave, and heal the boy (talk to him)
Level 5
Mar 1, 2008
WOOT Darkrai is coming! Well a downer is I bet hes gonna have moves that are gonna make him a pain to catch. Thxs for the shiny info!
Level 7
Sep 23, 2007
Actually, the chances DO increase, I was wrong (Yes, I looked it up just for you)
There is a one in sixty chance with two shiny parents, and a one in like 265 (not sure, it wasn't specific) with just one shiny parent. As for Darkrai's moveset, I don't know what level he comes on. Looking at his moveset, though, I'd say to go after him with a Dark type.
Level 5
Mar 1, 2008
Well I dont have any compatible shinys with salamence, so ill just use a ditto and keep trying. As for darkrai, I think ill fight it with my umbreon.
Level 7
Sep 23, 2007
Train up a Wobuffet (Exp Share or leaving it overnight in the Fuego Ironworks. If the latter makes no sense, come back and I'll explain) to no higher than 50
It has Shadow Tag, which prevents wild Pokemon from fleeing
Go to your hometown (or any other place with low level Pokemon) Go north and over the ledge (above it) and head west. When you get to the junction between that route and Verity Lakefront, put your Poketch App to the Marking Map. Walk back and forth between the two routes (Note: doing this in between two Routes with grass in them is better than this. This is just how I did it) When Cresselia's icon is in your square, use a Super Repel. Then go into grass and run around; you will find it. It has a hard time damaging Wobuffet. Slash is the most it can do, and you should have Potions. Only use Wobuffet when you are trying to capture: to wheedle it down, use a fast lvl 50 Pokemon with a reliable damaging move. You may have to do this multiple times, but when its HP is low, go in with Wobuffet. This can be frustrating, as it runs away, but it needs to be damaged first. Its regular capture rate is 3%. Use quick balls for the first five turns, then Ultra Balls and eventually Timer Balls
Need any help, just ask
This post is long and I've gotta go; if you have any questions about Platinum or anything else, check back here
Level 5
Mar 1, 2008
Will a Trapinch work? Mine has a Special abillity that is the same as wobeffet. Also, I'd like to know more about this Pokemon Platinum! Thxs for the help! :infl_thumbs_up:
Level 7
Sep 23, 2007
Watch out!
Trapinch's Arena Trap won't hold Cresselia because she has Levitation!
Use Wobuffet, trust me
Pokemon Platinum is the third game in the Diamond/Pearl series. It is the equivalent of Yellow or Emerald. The main Legendary is Giratina, in its Origin Form (a different form than in D/P)
Platinum is scheduled for release in Japan in August 2008, and probably here (I say "here". America. I dunno where you live) in early 2009
We con't know very much yet, but I'll keep you posted
Level 7
Sep 23, 2007
Hey all! Sorry for the double post, but I have now officially created the Group Pokemon Fans, for any of you interested enough
Level 7
Sep 23, 2007
You can buy it in the Battle Tower prizes zone. I don't remember where I got my other one (imported it or found it on the game or dug it up in the Underground, I think)
Level 10
Mar 23, 2007
Huh? Pokemon?
Im not playing it anymore.
Gold: 3 lvl 100 Pokemons
Yellow (Starter thingy): 3 lvl 100 Pokemons
Crystal: Got it from a friend, so no lvl 100 yet, but a bunch of 40 - 60.
Ruby: Restarting all the time, so also just some lower levels.
Silver: Its bugged, so it cant save: 0 level 100.

Im only playing it when im in italy and such. Bleh.
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