Ancient forest

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Ancient forest

=Important info=
  • Goldmines: 1
    • Building #1: Tavern
  • Easy creep camps: 4
  • Medium creep camps: 2
  • Hard creep camps: 1
  • Tileset: Ashenvale

=Map Description=
Enjoy one of my first melee maps, i created it for a challange.

This section includes at least 1 picture. The picture overhead of the entire map. Would be also good to include other pictures from terrain and such. Pleas make sure that your screenshots from world editor wont have the white frames.

  • Eldubs
    • Template

Melee, Ancient, Forest, Bugz,

Ancient forest (Map)

Vengeancekael: Private Message Date: 2011/Nov/12 11:34:10 Reasons: Poor and lacking terrain: Terrain Tutorial Other: Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section Check out the...




Vengeancekael: Private Message
Date: 2011/Nov/12 11:34:10

Poor and lacking terrain: Terrain Tutorial

Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials
Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section
Check out the World Editor Help Zone (Trigger issues, object editor, overall WE issues): WE Help Zone

Comment: *Replace the level 6 wolf close to the starting location of red with a smaller wolf
*The map definitely is not symmetric, the tavern is way closer to blue's base
*Also add 2 goblin shops
*Terrain tile variations are too small, add more different tiles, use more dirt/rough dirt, it's way too green right now
*You can also fill up the empty terrain with shrubs
*Change the map's file name to AncientF(2)
*Also add more item tables, one for lower level items, one for higher level items, for each creep respectively
Admin Contact - Resource Moderation - Rules
Level 15
Apr 5, 2009
Full Review

The map is disappointing, this is a melee map right? or I am I missing something? The map terraining is monotonous, the creep camps are uneven and imbalanced, seriously, the red player have nearby wolf camp while the blue have thunder lizards which is completely unsymmetrical. Item drops are also feeble because even level 6 creeps could drop ANY items with ANY level. Not enough neutral buildings, not even a description. Its file name is also weird, it only says Melee. And finally, this isn't a melee map because of the following:
*Custom Triggers are respecify
*One or more start location are invalid positions
*Fixed Starting locations have been specified

I really wanna give it a 2 or 3 but then again I'd be lying to myself.
Gonna give a 1/5 for now.
*Replace the level 6 wolf close to the starting location of red with a smaller wolf
*The map definitely is not symmetric, the tavern is way closer to blue's base
*Also add 2 goblin shops
*Terrain tile variations are too small, add more different tiles, use more dirt/rough dirt, it's way too green right now
*You can also fill up the empty terrain with shrubs
*Change the map's file name to AncientF(2)
*Also add more item tables, one for lower level items, one for higher level items, for each creep respectively

Rating: 1/5