An Very, Very Easy request!! please :/

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Level 9
Mar 24, 2011
I have a request very easy and simple.

I just wanted a crossbowman footman (understand?)

Could anyone take the animations (and the crossbow and arrows / quiver) of this model:

and put in a normal footman? (ps: I'm not asking for a footman footman with both animation and crossbowman, no!)

I just wanted a footman with these animation / weapons. why?

their shoulders are very strange, and wanted a model footman with crossbow pattern to use on my map mean? without those shoulder or appearance. in other words, I wanted a model of the footman with animations and weapons crossbowman. understand? PLEASE? :ogre_haosis::ogre_haosis:
Level 9
Mar 24, 2011
not because I've seen on a map a model of a normal crossbowman footman, and what I want is just a simple thing. Just a transfer of animations and Geoset transference of weapons / arrows. (along with I'm not mistaken a Geomet Animation arrows for his attack animation.). If I am not mistaken it is practically just do not know why not make them, so I'm asking here if anyone can help me, that in view of the many requests I've ever seen here at the "request" that is simple and easy (for those who understand or know things modeling, obviously ...)

Just that he wanted a "Footman" with weapons and animations from "Crossbowman" I talked before: /
Level 9
Mar 24, 2011
I'm not asking you to change the shoulders of the model Wandering Soul's..
..I'm Asking if someone can take the model of "Blizzard's footman", and for him these weapons and animations :/
Only this :(

and over the shoulders you asked, they are different, are not equal those of original Footman, and I wanted a "standard" for the infantry to my map mean? all the same, only changing weapons. no armor or her user model. understand?
Level 14
Jan 21, 2008
Idk if there's easier method exist (as Oinkelwinke animation transfer tools never worked on me). But manually, I wouldn't say transfering animations is a "very, very easy" request as it's need a mesh transplent and re-attaching each vertex to the bones after mesh copy pasting. Other than that like replacing the crossbow from one into other model is an easy task.

As people suggest above, why not asking the maker instead?
Level 9
Mar 24, 2011
Idk if there's easier method exist (as Oinkelwinke animation transfer tools never worked on me). But manually, I wouldn't say transfering animations is a "very, very easy" request as it's need a mesh transplent and re-attaching each vertex to the bones after mesh copy pasting. Other than that like replacing the crossbow from one into other model is an easy task.

As people suggest above, why not asking the maker instead?

because I already went to ask, and he did not answer me, so I came here. And in view of the many requests we've seen here this can be easy. And it need not be "perfect" or equal the model. I just wanted a Blizzard Footman with animation and weaponry crossbow :/
Level 9
Mar 24, 2011
What again is the difference between the request and the current model we have?

I wanted to "normal" model of Blizzard footman, without those "shoulders" that the model that I have mentioned above, I wanted the model I'm asking anyone here can take the "Blizzard Footman" model and put in it the Crossbow / Arrows / Quiver (weapony, ps: removing the shield and sword of the "Blizzard Footman" model, obviously) and also the animations of the model Footman Crossbow I mentioned above. Understand? :/
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