Altering a specific unit's overhead status bar

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Level 5
Jul 31, 2020

By overhead status bar, I mean the health/mana bar above a unit. I'm well aware that I could just get rid of the bars, and make my own, then make them look as janky as I wanted. What I'm interested in is if there's a way to fiddle with the stock ones. I've been trying to cook up a solution using the new UI natives, but at this point I'm starting to doubt these bars are even counted as UI elements. And if they are, I found no way to supplement some native a unit ID or something similar to access one specific set of bars.
Level 13
Oct 10, 2009
ye na you can't. Ran into the same problem in a deception map I'm working on.
But I did find a way to hide the status bar entirely for a single unit. You could do that and add your own implementaiton.

The trick is using the new unit name set natives and settings it's name to "|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n"
Level 5
Jul 31, 2020
ye na you can't. Ran into the same problem in a deception map I'm working on.
But I did find a way to hide the status bar entirely for a single unit. You could do that and add your own implementaiton.

The trick is using the new unit name set natives and settings it's name to "|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n"

I thought it might be impossible to access specific ones. Anyway, that trick looks interesting, I suppose you're talking about BlzSetUnitName.
Level 5
Jul 31, 2020
Oh, you wanted to hide the Health / Mana bar? Yeah this just hides unit name and player name from showing up at the top.

Yeah, I was getting hopeful I would be able to at least remove only specific bars by unit. I know EnablePreSelect(true, false) removes them, but it does it globally, and also removes tooltips which I don't care much about, and pre-selection circles which I would care about.

I also know about setting a unit's Art - Selection Scale to -1, which isn't as loaded, and only removes the bar from that specific unit-type, however, this one makes the selection circle glitch out.

All in all, this is why I asked the question, hoping someone would have a solution to access the stock status bar above a specific unit, but I suppose the same way I couldn't find a way, nobody else could because it looks impossible to do with what we have.
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