Last Edit: map is finshed. Link to download the map here:
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Second edit: Map is complete, download will be available soon. If someone is interested in traduction i could need help traslating my project from my language wich is italian to english.
Old screenshots removed because they were out of date. Old link to the download also removed because out of date.
First edit: [First terrain Preview] The terrain of the map is complete. I uploaded the map to show a first preview of the map scenario, looking for feedback about the terrain.
Added new screenshots to this thread.
More Screenshots from the game
Second edit: Map is complete, download will be available soon. If someone is interested in traduction i could need help traslating my project from my language wich is italian to english.
Old screenshots removed because they were out of date. Old link to the download also removed because out of date.
First edit: [First terrain Preview] The terrain of the map is complete. I uploaded the map to show a first preview of the map scenario, looking for feedback about the terrain.
birollo said:Hi, I am a new user and this is my first post. I think it would be nice to share my ideas with someone about the map I am creating.
I start playing wc3 years ago and I really enjoyed it, I spent many many hours playing the campaing and melee games vs computer players, I used to and still like very much the story of warcraft pre Wow. I also spent time with the map editor daydreaming about what I could do with it.
Beside it I have never become expert at using the editor, I found triggers too hard to learn how to use them. Also I have missed a lot of the wc3 experience at the time, I never go playing vs other guys on battle net and I dind't know about wc3 modding communities.
Recently I picked up wc3 once again. I always wanted to play chaos orcs, nagas, blood elves and draenei in a melee map and since I haven't find online a decent map with all 4 races togheter and AIs for computer players I am creating my own map where the 4 classic races of Wc3 are replaced with chaos orcs, naga, BE and draenei.
To do this I am doing a total conversion, so basically I'm changing units models, buildings models, effects, voices and other stuff like that for each race, but the new races will be almost identical to the old ones speaking about balance and mechanics. Yet thanks to total conversion computer players will able to continue to use Blizzard standard AI for melee maps.
Right now I'm wondering if or not to customize also units stats and abilities to made them more similar to stats and abilities of chaos orcs, naga etc units used in campaing mode. But I'm not sure if there is a way to change abilities without bugging the melee AI.
I have almost finished a 4 players brand new map scenario to put my new races in it and at the same time I am doing the races convertion. One thing about the convertion is that I am using only models of units and buildings that already exist in the map editor. So in my map it won't be custom models or spells, just stuff that was already in the game.
It would be nice to share my project once (when and if ) it will be complete with someone who has my same interest.
That's it. This was my project, are there anyone one who is interested in it?
Screenshots: removed because they were out of date
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