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[Altered Melee] Altered Melee with non-playable campaign races of Wc3

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Level 3
Mar 27, 2015
Last Edit: map is finshed. Link to download the map here: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/attachments/old-friends-by-birollo-w3x.244551/

Added new screenshots to this thread.


More Screenshots from the game




Second edit: Map is complete, download will be available soon. If someone is interested in traduction i could need help traslating my project from my language wich is italian to english.

Old screenshots removed because they were out of date. Old link to the download also removed because out of date.

First edit: [First terrain Preview] The terrain of the map is complete. I uploaded the map to show a first preview of the map scenario, looking for feedback about the terrain.

birollo said:
Hi, I am a new user and this is my first post. I think it would be nice to share my ideas with someone about the map I am creating.

I start playing wc3 years ago and I really enjoyed it, I spent many many hours playing the campaing and melee games vs computer players, I used to and still like very much the story of warcraft pre Wow. I also spent time with the map editor daydreaming about what I could do with it.
Beside it I have never become expert at using the editor, I found triggers too hard to learn how to use them. Also I have missed a lot of the wc3 experience at the time, I never go playing vs other guys on battle net and I dind't know about wc3 modding communities.

Recently I picked up wc3 once again. I always wanted to play chaos orcs, nagas, blood elves and draenei in a melee map and since I haven't find online a decent map with all 4 races togheter and AIs for computer players I am creating my own map where the 4 classic races of Wc3 are replaced with chaos orcs, naga, BE and draenei.

To do this I am doing a total conversion, so basically I'm changing units models, buildings models, effects, voices and other stuff like that for each race, but the new races will be almost identical to the old ones speaking about balance and mechanics. Yet thanks to total conversion computer players will able to continue to use Blizzard standard AI for melee maps.

Right now I'm wondering if or not to customize also units stats and abilities to made them more similar to stats and abilities of chaos orcs, naga etc units used in campaing mode. But I'm not sure if there is a way to change abilities without bugging the melee AI.

I have almost finished a 4 players brand new map scenario to put my new races in it and at the same time I am doing the races convertion. One thing about the convertion is that I am using only models of units and buildings that already exist in the map editor. So in my map it won't be custom models or spells, just stuff that was already in the game.

It would be nice to share my project once (when and if :p) it will be complete with someone who has my same interest.

That's it. This was my project, are there anyone one who is interested in it?

Screenshots: removed because they were out of date
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Level 3
Mar 27, 2015
I'm adding some screenshot at the original post, showing previews of minimap, draenei units, naga units, chaos orcs units and blood elves units.
Level 3
Mar 27, 2015
I don't know... blizzard melee map AI is fine for me.
I am doing this map essentially for me, a map to play player vs computer and not player vs player. I could try to make custom AI if I want to customize more units' spells and techtrees. I would really like to chose new skills for heroes rather than using modified version of human/ud/orcs/ne heros' classic spells, but using Ai editor it's kind of a long work for me to do it alone, because I have no experience with the AI editor and I prefer to not use it.

I don't know, we'll see.
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
I can do it for ya if it is too hard for ya
Try addig custom units.... also new abilities.... hero ablities doenst matter
Jus import ob data
Level 3
Mar 27, 2015
Ok, i have some update.

First of all, how can i put my map in a post on this thread? I'm asking it because I had never done it before and I'm a newbie on this website, so please be kind and pardon me for asking things like this :J

So, updates.
The terrain is almost finished and i really want some feedback about it because i am proud of it and want to hear what other people think about it. I will upload the map so you guys can see it from the map or maybe i will post some screenshot.

I have found on the internet a list of hidden resources inside the Wc3E and I used many of those hidden icons so now all the units have an unique icon. I was happy about it!

In conclusion, things i still have to do to complete the map are: correcting all units shadows, modify some missile attack animations, and do loot table for all neutral creep camps. But probably i've missed something on the to-do list.

Ps: @Leo Akastenix about the AI, for now i will keep melee ai. But if you want to try a shot making a custom ai for my map you are welcome.

about adding custom units and new abilities, I dont feel like using custom units or abilities in my map. Instead i like the idea to use only things that are already within the world editor.

PPs: oh, i changed some unit's models, so those previous screenshots could be out of date.
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
Suggestion: add hero glow for heroes

The Admiral seems unfitting fir blood elces

The farie dragon looks unfitting for Nagas

i have skins and icons recoloured form guldan and stormreaver nectoyes to fel orcs... do u want it?(my avatar)
Level 3
Mar 27, 2015
I don't think i will add hero glow for heroes, i care about it but not too much. I played few test games and the missing of the glow for some heroes won't be a problem, because they are regognizable anyway. But thank you for the suggestion.

I think the Admiral model is not perfectly fine for an Elf race, but it's ok. Also in wc2 a type of human ship was named Elf destroyer, so Elfs do have boats and the concept of an Elf admiral is quite fitting for me.

I don't think faerie dragon looks unffinting for nagas. though it isn't the best choice i think it is the finest choice available in the editor for a naga air unit since i don't want to use custom models. Do you have other models to suggest?
Same thing goes for chimaeras.

No, i don't need red orc skins and icons for gul'dan and stormreaver necrolites, I like them green. Plus when i think about my chaos orc race i think about a mix between worshipping daemons orc clans of the First and Second War and chaos Grom's warsong clan, so the concept of a chaos orc race that can include both red and green orcs works for me.
Level 3
Mar 27, 2015
First terrain preview

Hi everybody, today i finished my map's terrain.
I'm going to upload the map for a first preview.
I like very much how the scenario looks like in the end, this is my first work and i feel proud of it. :i

There is little work left within the map, it is almost over now and when it will be done i will share it here.

and dunno what to say more, hope i will receive some feedback on the map's terrain.

Bye guys

Edit: This is the link to download the map REMOVED BECAUSE OUT OF DATE
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Level 3
Mar 27, 2015
Update: map is complete. I will add a new link to download the map soon.

Read edits to original post to see complete changelog of this thread.

EDIT: screenshots added. Download link available in OP.
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