Alpha Shaman (eventual Orc Warlock)

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is a rework of the original Shaman. I reworked the texture in which stein123 provided me and made the Alpha Channel so the overall texture strongly resembles the original.
There may be updates to this skin, but you may freely use whatever Orc Warlock model you like. The model I used for the snapshots was stein123's OrcWarcasterV2.00.
Credits to stein123 and Blizzard for the resources.

You may leave a suggestion or freely edit this the way you see fit, so long as you give us credit, myself included.

- Alpha Shaman (eventual Orc Warlock).blp
- 85.13 KB

A SILLY JOKE: I can very easily imagine other orcs asking the Alpha Shaman why they should let him into the Orcish Horde or the Earthen Ring, just because of his base model.

Alpha Shaman (eventual Orc Warlock) (Texture)

Marked as Useful / Simple.
Marked as Useful / Simple.
Hey, I've given this rating a thought...
For the sake of those looking for <replicated versions of> Alpha Units/Mods/Textures, could you mark it again to approve? I mean, stein123 and I here have all five stars for the ratings, and we've put much effort in recreating the original.

Your call.
@StonemaulMidget is there a way to make this into a unit model so it does not change the unit model of jj84? Warlock

Because I want to use both of them in my campaign (in the same map(s)).
This skin changes the unit model of jj84 for the Orc Warlock.
With all due respect, I'm a little confounded.
"is there a way to make this into a unit model so it does not change the unit model of jj84?"
- Do you mean changing the current in-game skin with this replicated Alpha Shaman's? There is already an import path listed above, which will replace the current skin with this custom design, if that's what you're asking.
Level 27
Dec 3, 2020
With all due respect, I'm a little confounded.
"is there a way to make this into a unit model so it does not change the unit model of jj84?"
- Do you mean changing the current in-game skin with this replicated Alpha Shaman's? There is already an import path listed above, which will replace the current skin with this custom design, if that's what you're asking.
I'm referring that if I use this skin and jj84's Orc Warlock model in unison, the Orc Warlock model also gets replaced and uses this skin as well.
So both the original unit and the custom unit by jj84 use this skin.
It doesn't only change the original unit under the Campaign/Units section but also a custom unit using jj84's Orc Warlock model.
Swap skins for the custom unit.
Import the skin twice: first for the custom unit, and then rename the second for the original with the import path.

Skin for Custom Unit: Alpha Shaman (eventual Orc Warlock).blp
Skin for Original Unit: units\Creeps\ChaosWarlockGreen\ChaosGreenWarlock.blp

Even better, don't bother swapping skins for the Custom Unit. Instead, use the import path at the bottom of the first named skin I provided you.
Level 27
Dec 3, 2020
Swap skins for the custom unit.
Import the skin twice: first for the custom unit, and then rename the second for the original with the import path.

Skin for Custom Unit: Alpha Shaman (eventual Orc Warlock).blp
Skin for Original Unit: units\Creeps\ChaosWarlockGreen\ChaosGreenWarlock.blp

Even better, don't bother swapping skins for the Custom Unit. Instead, use the import path at the bottom of the first named skin I provided you.
So I use this for the import path of the custom unit "Alpha Shaman (eventual Orc Warlock).blp"?
Exactly as you wrote it? With spaces in between.
Level 37
Sep 17, 2010
@StonemaulMidget is there a way to make this into a unit model so it does not change the unit model of jj84? Warlock

Because I want to use both of them in my campaign (in the same map(s)).
This skin changes the unit model of jj84 for the Orc Warlock.
Make a copy of that model, and then use mdxpather to change the texture path of that copy to the one you want to use