well if you are using Photoshop 6+ it should go like this:
Open the skin, it mmust be a file type that support alpha, of course, the only two i know are Tga and BMP, or at least I think BMP does, no in photoshop, in the lower left corner, you have layers,channels,and one more thing, can't remember, now select the 'channels' and now down on the 'channels' button you should see next things:
Alpha 1
or maybe not in that order
now, select the alpha 1, and use the polygan laso to select the sword, of course on the RGB
, and paint the whole area black and if there is any more area (skin part) that goes with the sword, paint it black too. NOW go to alpha 1 :roll: and paint the area where the swor is black, that should be it.
If the skin has the team color on the part you wan't removed, it cant be done, you must model that part out. The team color is marked in Black color in Alpha 1.
Hope it helps.