DISCLAIMER: I did NOT make ANY of the models/skins, they were all done by either Blizzard, or people here at the HiveWorkshop. [/color]
Like the one reviewer said, I have made changes so that the Force Bridges are more obvious. I added the Dalaran Sparkles and some shattered +1cliff to show you that the islands can be crossed.
Anyways, this is my first map ever uploaded evar. Its basically the exact same as anyother map, 2vs2 and can hopefully become one of your faveorite maps to play casually! Like I said, I didnt make any of the models/skins, all I did was design the Terrain and obect edit a couple things. This map is for them most part the Outlands tileset, but it also has some BlackCitadel and Felwood in it too. It was inspired by the Netherstorm and Zangarmarsh zones in Wow, even if ive never actually gotten past level 7 I still see screenshots. Use the cheat "iseedeadpeople" to look at the 2 inaccesible landchunks, they're pretty and a certain famous demon is watching from one of them. See if you can find him. The idea is that the Alliance expedition, the one with Alleria, Turalyon, Khadgar, Kurdran, and Danath are here in Outland, hunting down fel orcs. But they encounter an offensive force of the Burning Legion. Most of the human units are humans, dwarves, and high elves. While the Legion forces consist of demon, monsters (the new Necromancer is scariest I think...) and scary stuff. Ive only ever played Warcraft 3, only read a little about what came before that wasnt elf related. So im not entirely sure if this is all lorecorrect. The 4 human heroes each have 1 name, Khadgar, Turalyon, Alleria, and Kurdran.
2 Players start on opposite corners of the map, each on their own shattered little outland islands. ForceBridges allow for travel to nearby chunks of land, and strategic waygates will allow transport into the enemy's side of the map. There are alot of chokepoints, which means it could be easy to tower up and area and ensure noone gets past it. Creeps are edited to be fel orcs, which all deal chaos damage. This map has some very good item drops. I placed Boundary in the water/void, so that flying units wont be able to simply fly across the whole map across space.
Night Elf: No changes, not like they ever went to Outland.
Orcs: No changes. I considered changing the models to Blizzards fel orcs, but I thought they'd be to similar to the creeps, and green was good lorewise anyways. I think.
Human: Changes. Bloodmage has turned into Mage. Archmage has turned into Ranger. See below for the hero changes. A couple models have changed, and some renaming. Most hotkeys are still the same, so you shouldnt be to confused. Ive changed the Blood Elf units to make them High Elves once again, according to the lore. I havent made any "new unit"s, so the AI should be the same. I did make new abilities, so AI might not pick those up.
Undead: Biggest changes here. Nearly all of the models have changed, those that havent have been tinted dark red. The hotkeys are pretty much entirely changed I think, so your gonna have to use the mouse. The Townhall buildings (t2 and t3) deal chaos damage. Ive changed some upgrades, like the Freezing Breath into demon Skin for frost wyrms. Everything has been renamed. You should feel like your playing the Burning Legion. You should feel unstoppable. And you may be, not sure if I made the Demon Lord's ultimate unbalanced. I havent made any "new unit"s, so the AI should be the same. I did make new abilities, so AI might not pick those up.
Demon Lord: Strength. Originally the Crypt lord. Has Burning Skin, which is the same as the CL's Spikeskin. Also has Demonic Aura, which is the same as Unholy aura. Also has Death Pact. And the ultimate: Reign of Chaos, which summons 3 infernals in a AOE for a long duration.
Eredar: Intelligence. Originally the Lich. Has Frost Nova, Death Coil, Banish, and Death and Decay.
Nathrezim: Strength. Origininally the Dreadlord. Has Sleep, Silence, Vampiric Aura, and his ultimate; Brainwash. Which is the same as Charm, but can be used on creeps up to level 6.
Shadowcaller: Intelligence. Originally the DeathKnight. Nothing like it now. Has Howl of Terror, Rain of Fire, Summon Lava Spawn, and it's ultimate: Bloodfury Shout. Has the range of 900, buffs allies with +25 damage, +3 armour, and increased rate of mana and life regeneration of 3.00 per second. Lasts for like 30 seconds. Seriously this make even peons a good damage dealer.
Shadowbeast: Originally the frost wyrm. Can learn the Demon Skin upgrade, which gives it heavy armour, and Resistant Skin to magic.
Sacrificial Altar: Originally Sacrifice Pit. Same, but has the Dark Summoning ability now.
TownHalls: Tier2 and Tier3 deal chaos damage instead of piercing.
Mage: Intelligence. Originally Blood Mage. Has Flamestrike, Brilliance Aura, Summon Water Elemental, and Mass Teleport.
Ranger: Agility. Originally Archmage. Nothing like him now. Has Summon Hawk, Wild Walk which is just like Wind Walk, Rapid Shot which increases ranged speed by 20-35-50%, and ultimate: Pinpoint Shots which increases her agility by 30 points. Maybe its unbalanced, but I feel in love with Legolas when I was little and have loved all elves since
Ranger: Same name, but a normal unit. Replacement of Rifleman, now a highelf with 100 more range than a rifleman. Can use the recurve bow upgrage.
All the neutral buildings have changed their models, just so you know.
All models have had their voices changed to fit their new models, if they were given one.
Basically do what you would normally do with Undead or Human. They are still the same units, just different models really, and if anything they're a bit more powerful. Towering up the chokepoints can be devastating, since nothing can get past the small areas. There are only a total of 6 gold mines on the map. Limited lumber in your starting area, but there is more surrouding the 2nd outland mine, and much more in the Zangarmarsh zones.
Alliance, Expedition, Outland, Kurdran, Wildhammer, Danath, Trollbane, Kil'jaeden, Mannoroth, Burning, Legion, fel, Blood, Elf, High, Illidari, Naga,