I have a jass function/trigger thingy, that is cause me a slight loss of bladder control.
It works fine, but after a period of what I am guessing is roughly 50 seconds, the game will suddenly and without fuss, quit out. Completely. No error message, no forwarning, no goodbye kiss. Just gone. Leaving me feeling bereaved and confused.
I would hazard a guess that it is to do with memory. Does it do this because of a memory overload? Leaks? Or spite?
All I can say is that it is probably to do with the fact that i have a loop that reduces a number by 1 every time it loops, and after the number reaches 0, the loop doesn't want to have anything to do with the number, or related function anymore.
Would someone be able to point out any obvious reasons? If not, I will post the entire code plus the functions here later on, and hopefully that will help. If not, I would actually have to refer you to the map itself when I've updatd it.
Would appreciate it, because the AI system I'm building is of moderate pride to me, and I'd hate to see it fail.
It works fine, but after a period of what I am guessing is roughly 50 seconds, the game will suddenly and without fuss, quit out. Completely. No error message, no forwarning, no goodbye kiss. Just gone. Leaving me feeling bereaved and confused.
I would hazard a guess that it is to do with memory. Does it do this because of a memory overload? Leaks? Or spite?
All I can say is that it is probably to do with the fact that i have a loop that reduces a number by 1 every time it loops, and after the number reaches 0, the loop doesn't want to have anything to do with the number, or related function anymore.
Would someone be able to point out any obvious reasons? If not, I will post the entire code plus the functions here later on, and hopefully that will help. If not, I would actually have to refer you to the map itself when I've updatd it.
Would appreciate it, because the AI system I'm building is of moderate pride to me, and I'd hate to see it fail.