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Agility maxxxx

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is my first map, created together with BoskaPochwa. I think it won't be approved, because it was my first map (from about 3 years ago ^^). If it won't be approved (it won't), I will give a newer version. I just thought it's fun, even though stupid, not made well and way too easy.

The main goal is to have much agility and kill enemies in a blink of an eye.

P.S.: I hope I won't get a negative for that.

Agility, Max, fun, braindead, stupid

Agility maxxxx (Map)

23:54, 13th Sep 2008 Septimus: You won't be neg rep for posting such a map unless you are violating rules such as multiply upload/resources spamming. But, this map condition is quite bad. Which I have to reject it.




23:54, 13th Sep 2008
Septimus: You won't be neg rep for posting such a map unless you are violating rules such as multiply upload/resources spamming.

But, this map condition is quite bad. Which I have to reject it.