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  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.


This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Second skin, I'm not using that as defense, but don't be a flamer, please. Used a combination of every technique except CnP and crappy paint. Lot's of Dodge and Burn, some freehand here and there, otherwise recolored and reshaded. This is contrary to the popular belief of people that I cannot skin, which they just scream "You noob lets c u skin o wait u cant so hah im better than u"

Acolyte (Texture)

THE_END: Bad VERY BAD recolor with some freehand
Level 16
Sep 3, 2004
Several notes:
Wormskull-- be nice, and don't go all berserk on me. I don't want another personal attack then that horrid ban

Final Fantasies, cryptfiend, and SS4Zach3D--I can skin, don't flame me, I don't flame back, I report people

Konblade--Be nice PLEASE!! I spent about 3 hours a day for 3 days on this, striving for what perfetion I can do with my current skill

I do not say it deserves director's choice, give credit to the site, not me, and, if I wasn't the maker, I would say it was above the average stuff
Level 1
Nov 3, 2004
You might want to change those gloves... the acoylate has sleeves connecting each other, this has two gloves knuckled together, looks a bit wierd.
Level 7
Jul 2, 2004
Mmmm......hmmmm.........skin is alright...but what use would a healer be made out of a acolyte skin? i mean theres no spell annimation is there? im not sure if the summoning annimation is the spell, is it? If not...there is no use for this skin besides a doodadish sit around. 2.5/5

I suggest makeing skins from models that have at least a attack, spell, and perhaps a channeling annimation.