Ability casting time

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Level 4
Oct 11, 2008
The problem with some abilities is that they take too much time to cast. For example, Storm Bolt takes about 1 second time between when i press the button and when the hammer starts to fly towards the opponent( here i count the time when i lose mana for the ability and time when the ability is set on cooldown). Is there a way to shorten this time?
What i'm trying to do is have the hero cast storm bolt, then pause him and make him fly around. For this i use :
Event: Hero starts casting an ability
Condition: bla bla bla (doesn't matter)
Action: Wait 1 second (this is the problem i'm talking about)
Pause hero
change hero flying height

without the wait "action" my hero wouldn't cast the storm bold and start flying aroung the moment i press the button + he doesnt loose mana and ability isn't set on cooldown.
How should i remove the wait "action" so as my hero still casts the spell?
Level 8
Nov 9, 2008
-Edit you unit's animation times. Can't remember which ones correspond to the cast delay but the entries are near the top in the editor. This will allow instant casting.

-Change your action to "Unit starts the effect of ability" instead of "Unit begins casting ability". With your current action the trigger will run before he gets a chance to cast.
Level 4
Oct 11, 2008
Is it Animation - Blend time?
or Animation - Cast Backwing?
or Animation - Cast point?
or which one to cast instantly?
Level 8
Nov 9, 2008
I believe it's backswing and cast point that will change the time it takes to cast.

BUT if you simply change the action to what I suggested it should solve your problem.
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