It's unfortunate that you feel this way. If you leave after so short a time, the loss will be yours and THW's as well.
My remarks in that thread were directed primarily at brad, who is a long-time member and should know better than to start flaming a user (especially a new one) merely for stating his or her opinion.
I am a big believer in forgiveness and try to avoid hasty action. I hope that you will reconsider your decision, ignore hostile remarks by other users and contact me further if you have any questions.
I apologize for any misunderstanding: I am, in fact, in YOUR corner on this particular issue.
CHUNK said:
In my posts, I haven't said anything inflammatory, rude, or off-topic - which, unless I can't read correctly is "better organization of the resource section" - not specifically the search function. My posted request dealt directly with how the resources section is currently organized. At no time did I express any impatience and the response was far from a cordial "that has been suggested before and we are already working on it," which would have satisfied me.
Instead, I was insulted by a moderator and reprimanded by another for expressing surprise at that type of response.
I'm no longer interested in being associated with this site or the forums. Please remove my account and my resources from this site. If you don't have this power, please forward this message to someone who does. I will also remove the thread from my clan's forum directing people to consider this site as a potential resource.