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(4) Ruined Temples

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Reactions: Dess_26
This melee map was done mainly for terrain, however I made it into a small melee map, its not like most, you -MUST- use space smartly, its a very small map. Judge harshly.

Update!: Made into a 2 person map to give more space, tried to make the terrain look better, no so many trees in the middle...

Description: These temples lay side-by-side each other, the people who live in these ruins fight endless battles, however, the other mindless drones have gone hostile, and they have gone to attack any nearby creatures.


Melee Ruined Temples (2) 2

(4) Ruined Temples (Map)

This map had been examined by Alexis Septimus. If you think this map review is not accurate or require another review, feel free to contact Alexis Septimus. But, map would only be review again for second time and also for the last time unless under...




Notice & Contact
This map had been examined by Alexis Septimus. If you think this map review is not accurate or require another review, feel free to contact Alexis Septimus. But, map would only be review again for second time and also for the last time unless under certain circumstances. It would be selfish to request constantly a mod/admin to keep review your map as there is many other maps waiting for approval as well.

However, if you still insist of another review after it had been review for second time. Feel free to contact other admin.

To contact Alexis Septimus, please click this
Visitor Message.
Terrain & Resources
Resources seems to be fair enough for short term battlefield. As for the terrain, I have to said it is very badly develop as you could have add some destructible/doodad such as rock to make it look better. The space limit have been done at purpose, but I think you did it over the limit since the space is soo limited that a person could even struggle to find enough space to build a tiny farm.
Lot's of error at terrain. It is a bad decision to set the tree that way, it could effect AI player when they are gathering resources. A melee map should not ensure their terrain, item drop, and unit position are well develop, but they must also ensure the AI be playable as well. The item drop also require improvement at the same time.
Unit Position & Item Drop
Unit position and facing position seems to be fine, but your item drop are simply awful and inbalance. There is a possible 25% chances of it not dropping a single item. To make it even worst, the item level is 2 while the creep is level 6 with at least 4 creep along with it.
Packaging & Description/Information/Detail
Packaging doesn't look impressive to encourage people to download it. As for the description, you just said the space is limited and judge harshly.
Quality & Hiveworkshop Rules
Quality is lacking since it have lot's of flaw such as the terrain condition and item drop. As for the rules, it seems to follow all the procedure
Overall Review
Ummm... You want me to judge harshly and I cannot resist it. :D

I notice a lot of error over it, I try build a structure, the space it extremely limited that until building a defensive structure could prove to be a pain in the ass. And whoever have a defensive tower close enough to the tree would be able to have lumber advantage as if the enemy worker came near, it could get killed.

You are lucky it get 31 points from me, or else I would reject this resources. If Gilles or Craka_J review it, it won't get approval at all.

If I vote this resources as user, I would give it 1/5 cause it is very boring. A good melee map must have a nice terrain as well to lure people to download & play
Positive & Negative Point
[+] -
[!] -
[-] - Bad terrain
[-] - Inbalance item drop
[-] - Space limited is fine, but this limitation is a bit too much.
Septimus Score System
Awful: 1-10
Unacceptable : 11-30
Lacking : 31-49
Useful : 50-69
Recommend : 70-90
Highly Recommend : 91-100
Director Cut : 101-105
Sub-Zero : 106+
1) Terrain - 5
2) Error - 0
3) Unit Position & Item Drop - 1
4) Packaging & Description/Information/Detail - 10
5) Quality & Hiveworkshop Rules - 15
Rating & Miscellaneous information
Score - 31/100
Moderator Rating - 2/5
User Rating - 1/5
Condition - Poor
Status - Approve
Review - 1
The map might not be fully tested, if any user of the map found bug/error or anything else. Feel free to contact Alexis Septimus by clicking this
Visitor Message.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Notice & Contact
This map had been examined by Alexis Septimus. If you think this map review is not accurate or require another review, feel free to contact Alexis Septimus. But, map would only be review again for second time and also for the last time unless under certain circumstances. It would be selfish to request constantly a mod/admin to keep review your map as there is many other maps waiting for approval as well.

However, if you still insist of another review after it had been review for second time. Feel free to contact other admin.

To contact Alexis Septimus, please click this
Visitor Message.
Terrain & Resources
Resources seems to be fair enough for short term battlefield. As for the terrain, I have to said it is very badly develop as you could have add some destructible/doodad such as rock to make it look better. The space limit have been done at purpose, but I think you did it over the limit since the space is soo limited that a person could even struggle to find enough space to build a tiny farm.
Lot's of error at terrain. It is a bad decision to set the tree that way, it could effect AI player when they are gathering resources. A melee map should not ensure their terrain, item drop, and unit position are well develop, but they must also ensure the AI be playable as well. The item drop also require improvement at the same time.
Unit Position & Item Drop
Unit position and facing position seems to be fine, but your item drop are simply awful and inbalance. There is a possible 25% chances of it not dropping a single item. To make it even worst, the item level is 2 while the creep is level 6 with at least 4 creep along with it.
Packaging & Description/Information/Detail
Packaging doesn't look impressive to encourage people to download it. As for the description, you just said the space is limited and judge harshly.
Quality & Hiveworkshop Rules
Quality is lacking since it have lot's of flaw such as the terrain condition and item drop. As for the rules, it seems to follow all the procedure
Overall Review
Ummm... You want me to judge harshly and I cannot resist it. :D

I notice a lot of error over it, I try build a structure, the space it extremely limited that until building a defensive structure could prove to be a pain in the ass. And whoever have a defensive tower close enough to the tree would be able to have lumber advantage as if the enemy worker came near, it could get killed.

You are lucky it get 31 points from me, or else I would reject this resources. If Gilles or Craka_J review it, it won't get approval at all.

If I vote this resources as user, I would give it 1/5 cause it is very boring. A good melee map must have a nice terrain as well to lure people to download & play
Positive & Negative Point
[+] -
[!] -
[-] - Bad terrain
[-] - Inbalance item drop
[-] - Space limited is fine, but this limitation is a bit too much.
Septimus Score System
Awful: 1-10
Unacceptable : 11-30
Lacking : 31-49
Useful : 50-69
Recommend : 70-90
Highly Recommend : 91-100
Director Cut : 101-105
Sub-Zero : 106+
1) Terrain - 5
2) Error - 0
3) Unit Position & Item Drop - 1
4) Packaging & Description/Information/Detail - 10
5) Quality & Hiveworkshop Rules - 15
Rating & Miscellaneous information
Score - 31/100
Moderator Rating - 2/5
User Rating - 1/5
Condition - Poor
Status - Approve
Review - 1
The map might not be fully tested, if any user of the map found bug/error or anything else. Feel free to contact Alexis Septimus by clicking this
Visitor Message.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
It meet a extremely min requirement. I suggest you to update and fix it before Gilles or Rui saw your map. They are much strict when it cames into judging a melee map.

Actually, under the condition of your map. It won't even get close to 6 point, the main reason why it get approval is because you follow the site rules and have a interesting storyline about your map. Which you put into your map description.

These temples lay side-by-side each other, the people who live in these ruins fight endless battles, however, the other mindless drones have gone hostile, and they have gone to attack any nearby creatures.

When I said I judge your map seriously, I actually still given you leniency. Lucky for you that I currently the only semi-active map mod at this section, other mod are more serious when it cames into approving a resources.

By the way, your storyline have a contradiction cause I do not see any temple.
Level 3
Aug 24, 2012
I find this map very interesting, but I'll give you just 3/5, because I am a Night Elf player.. and it's kinda weird to wait untill I have the Glaive Throwers to destroy the trees... The other races may find it ok.. or at least ok, because they harvest the lumber and after that they can attack the enemy.

It's an interesting and weird map in the same time.
3/5 from me :D.