3ds max 5/9 tutorial request

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Level 5
Mar 6, 2008
i have recently got 3ds max 9.
i want to learn to model but i don't understand most of it.
i've looked for some tutorials and tried a few but they haven't worked out for me.
so i was wondering if somebody could make a tutorial on how to use 3ds max 9 (or 5) effectively.

i only need basic info, with screenshots and is understandable.

all i require is how to edit, the mesh or primitives or other models.
what tools there are and where they are.
what tools i need to scratch model. just using 3ds max because it seems to much hassel to convert it to different formats just to do 1 or 2 things

i will find other tutorials on how to animate when i can model properly.

+rep to anyone who helps
i asked here because i know the hive is friendly and reliable
i also think this may benefit others than just me.

and even if the tutorial doesnt get approved i will still use it.

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Level 5
Mar 6, 2008
as i said ive look through a few tutorials...
but i haven't found one which shows how to apply a certain parts of a material to certain parts of the model.

i tried a tutorial on applying a material but i messed up for me

edit: so could someone show me how to apply a material to a model using 3ds max 5/9



Level 18
Sep 26, 2004
max user reference said:
Applying a Material to an Object
There are two ways to apply a material to an object:

If the sample slot is active and the object is already selected, click Assign Material To Selection.

Drag from the sample slot to the object.

As you drag, a tooltip appears over each object beneath the mouse, showing the object's name. You can apply the material whether the object is selected or not. Release the mouse to apply the material.

Applying a material overrides any previous material assignment the object might have had. Once the material is applied, while the sample slot is active, the material is "hot" and changes you make to it affect the object automatically. See Sample Slots for more about hot and cold materials.

The Undo command works for material assignment.

You can apply only one material to an object. To overcome this restriction, use a Multi/Sub-Object material. This is a container for various sub-materials that correspond to specified sub-objects such as different faces in a mesh, NURBS surfaces in a NURBS model, and so on.

You can apply the same material to multiple objects in the scene.

Seriously man...all you need is there. If you want quick access, just open the user reference and type what you want to know in Index.
Level 5
Mar 6, 2008
umm...and that means?
seriously i am completely new to modeling so i do not understand much.
though thanks anyway



Level 18
Sep 26, 2004
I don't understand why people find it so hard to follow the tutorials that come with max...they're really good at getting you started. When I first started to work in max I made most of the tutorials that come with it and learned a lot from them.
Level 5
Mar 6, 2008
I don't understand why people find it so hard to follow the tutorials that come with max...they're really good at getting you started. When I first started to work in max I made most of the tutorials that come with it and learned a lot from them.
but that means i have to unzip the tutorials and take up more space on my computer which will slow it down even more

ok xxmephistoxx taught me how to apply textures.

all i need know now is how to scratch model
oh and learn how to skin well ^^

@communist_orc sorry i don't really understand german though thanks anyway
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