(2) DeathCity

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Map Description

Once a peaceful city inhabited by happy people, but with the disappearance of some inhabitants others went out and seek for a more peaceful place for them to live; few are left. Live if you dare. Wipe out all that blocks your way.

This is a melee map created by Eubz

The Creeps

Creep encampments are stated below:
1. Red Camps - 8
2. Orange Camps - 4
3. Green Camps - 2

Neutral Buildings

Neutral Buildings are stated below:
Number of Goldmines: =6
1. low - 12,000
2. medium - 15,000
3. high - 18,000
1. Goblin Merchant - 2
2. Goblin Laboratoies - 2
3. Mercenary Camps - 2
4. Taverns - 1




All models and doodads herein are from Blizzard Intertainment. No other models have been exported for use in the map.
Change Log:
1. Two creep encampments now drop artifacts.
2. One of the two taverns is deleted while the other one is placed at the center so, there is now only one tavern in the map.
3. The place where the tavern was situated before is replaced with orange creep encampments that adds two more creep encampments for orange creep encamments.
4. I also adds doodads for more effects...
city, death city, city in battle

(2) DeathCity (Map)

23:17, 16th Sep 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Approved
Level 4
Jun 5, 2011
I like what I see in the previews, however I get a database error when trying to download.
If others encounter the same problem and if it persists maybe the map has to be uploaded again.
Damn first time that I don't have nothing to say ^_^
Well 3/5 will do because you have 2 taverns in 1v1 map and no artifact drop :razz:
Also I expect some awesome 1v1 map for 5/5 :)
You can fix those 2 things and get 4/5.
Status: Approved

I'm waiting for this... The map has already been updated as said...