Yoh, im making a map called "Multiplication Hero Survival" (name maybe gonna change) and its a map there it starts with a footman, once you and your other 5 teamates( 6 player total) have killed it will double to 2 footmans, and you get +1 kill, its meant to have so many kills thats possible. no it wont be like 40000 footman in game , its level and bosses.
Request: Im gonna have 100 heroes in map and they spawn random, i just have 8 for now, so my request is if all could post 1-92 heroes with 4 spells, (Ultimate = 2 Lvls, Other = 5 Lvls) i dont think it will be over 100 heroes here but i will get more ideas later, i only hope triggerd spells shud be ultimate, but ofc if its balanced it can be the others to.
Ty - Combuster(uberowner) , better would be if u added my msn and said it there cause im mopstly in there. [email protected]
i maybe can do the map with some1 more, but then i want you to be good and have msn! add [email protected]
Request: Im gonna have 100 heroes in map and they spawn random, i just have 8 for now, so my request is if all could post 1-92 heroes with 4 spells, (Ultimate = 2 Lvls, Other = 5 Lvls) i dont think it will be over 100 heroes here but i will get more ideas later, i only hope triggerd spells shud be ultimate, but ofc if its balanced it can be the others to.
Ty - Combuster(uberowner) , better would be if u added my msn and said it there cause im mopstly in there. [email protected]
i maybe can do the map with some1 more, but then i want you to be good and have msn! add [email protected]