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🎯Unleash Your Creativity: Hive's HD Modeling Contest #5 is now open!

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Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006

Calling all 3D artists and digital sculptors! The Hive Workshop, renowned as a hub for creative masterminds, proudly presents its highly anticipated 5th HD Modeling Contest, and this time, it's all about monsters! Brace yourselves for an exhilarating challenge that will push the boundaries of your artistic prowess and immerse you in a world of mythical monsters and eerie tales.

The theme for this year's contest is "Creep Camp." Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create 3-4 HD unit models that belong to the same "monster family" or Creep Camp. This contest presents a unique opportunity to showcase your skills and give life to creatures that will leave the community in awe.

What's even more thrilling about this year's HD Modeling Contest is the incredible lineup of prizes that await the winners. This time the prize pool has been increased to unprecedented heights! Not only will you have the chance to gain recognition among your peers and industry professionals, but you will also have the opportunity to win BOOSTED rewards.

The three winners will be receive an impressive reward of increased EXP, award trophies, along with a feature on the Hive Workshop YouTube channel, where your talent will be admired by a vast community of artists and enthusiasts. Notice that winning a contest also unlocks Demon Rank icons (at least two wins are required).

But that's not all! Even those who don't make it to the top 3 spots will have a chance to shine. Special recognition will be given to outstanding submissions, highlighting the unique creativity and technical skill displayed by these talented individuals - including a solid EXP boost.

Participating in the Hive Workshop's 5th HD Modeling Contest offers far more than just the prospect of prizes. It's an opportunity to challenge yourself, grow as an artist, and become part of a vibrant community of fellow creatives who share your passion for digital art and creature design.

Moreover, the contest provides a platform to showcase your work to potential clients, employers, and collaborators, and could open doors to exciting opportunities in the industry. Gaming Companies and talent scouts are known to peek at our community's creations - you never know who else may be watching ;)

To participate, simply upload your final entry to Hive Workshop's HD Model resource section. Remember to write in the description "Entry for Hive Workshop's HD Modeling Contest #5". To learn more about the contest rules, guidelines, and submission details, visit the official contest thread.
Mark your calendars, as the deadline for submissions is August 7, 2023.

So, let your imagination run wild, sketch out your ideas, and start sculpting! Unleash your talent and bring to life the monstrous inhabitants of the "Creep Camp." The Hive eagerly awaits the creatures you will create. Remember, in the realm of 3D artistry, the possibilities are limitless. Dare to dream big, embrace the challenge, and let your creativity shine through!

Good luck to all participants. We can't wait to witness your mastery!
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