• Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.


  1. Scourge AoW new Tech tree

    Scourge AoW new Tech tree

    Today, we present the Scourge tech tree. Under the iron rule of the Lich King, the Scourge have built up their power on the arctic continent of Northrend.
  2. Death Knight Unit

    Death Knight Unit

    Here is the Death Knight Unit, special unit for the Scourge.
  3. Necrolord


    Here is the Necrolord, new custom hero for the Scourge.
  4. Death knight Hero Reworked

    Death knight Hero Reworked

    Here is the Death Knight Hero Reworked.
  5. WC3ScrnShot_072724_012350_000.png


    Just a cool Screenshot :p
  6. Scourge Heroes

    Scourge Heroes

    - Death Knight - Crypt Lord (Summons: Carrion Beetles) - Lich - Crypt Sage - Necro Lord (Morphs into: Shade of the Necro Lord)
  7. UHSFA: The Scourge

    UHSFA: The Scourge

  8. Achille

    [Strategy / Risk] Lordaeron Gambit

    Lordaeron Gambit Welcome to Lordaeron Gambit! This map was something of a side project while I worked on Northrend Gambit. Using many of the same systems but smaller. The past few patches of Warcraft 3 introduced crashes that became such an obstacle to my editing of Northrend Gambit that I...
  9. Death Knight Arthas

    Death Knight Arthas

    Kwaliti's Arthas + Stefan K.'s DK Arthas's mount + Asssvis's Arthas hair XD
  10. Death Knight Mounted

    Death Knight Mounted

    Stefan K.'s death knight model + Proxy's Lady Blaumex's deathcharged mount and animations
  11. cOMPARISON.png


    Should I upload him as an alternative for the HD death knight 🤔 he is already finished btw 😁
  12. May be DK contest?)

    May be DK contest?)

  13. Rebirth of Kel'Thuzad

    Rebirth of Kel'Thuzad

    Sylvanas became an unwitting witness of how her homeland perished and how the traitor of humanity, Kel'Thuzad, was resurrected. Also next to the fallen prince was the one responsible for the failure of the defense of Quel'Thalas - Dark'Khan.
  14. The Rise of the Banshee Queen

    The Rise of the Banshee Queen

    "You crossed my path, Ranger General. From now on, you and your archers will serve me. You yourself signed the death warrant to your homeland" (С) Arthas Menethil to Sylvanas Windrunner
  15. Baron Titus Rivendare.gif

    Baron Titus Rivendare.gif

    Baron Titus Rivendare
  16. Highlord Mograine.gif

    Highlord Mograine.gif

    Highlord Mograine
  17. Sir Zeliek.gif

    Sir Zeliek.gif

    Sir Zeliek
  18. Thane Korth'azz.gif

    Thane Korth'azz.gif

    Thane Korth'azz
  19. Grobblus.gif


  20. Thaddius.gif


  21. Thaddius.gif


    Thaddius Wc3-WOW style Model posted at: https://bbs.islga.org/read-htm-tid-5487277-page-1-fpage-1.html
  22. Grobbulus.gif


    Grobbulus war3-wow style Model posted at: https://bbs.islga.org/read-htm-tid-5487252-page-1-fpage-1.html
  23. Evil Arthas Mounted 2.gif

    Evil Arthas Mounted 2.gif

    Based on: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/evil-arthas-and-female-dk.324359/ https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/frostmourne.323356/ Model posted at : https://bbs.islga.org/read-htm-tid-5487340-page-1-fpage-1.html
  24. Evil Arthas Mounted.gif

    Evil Arthas Mounted.gif

    Based on: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/evil-arthas-and-female-dk.324359/ https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/frostmourne.323356/ Model posted at : https://bbs.islga.org/read-htm-tid-5487340-page-1-fpage-1.html
  25. stein123

    Model portrait

    Hello everyone, can somebody please create a portrait for this model? Элитный скелет-воин - WarCraft 3 / Модмейкинг - XGM: eXtreme Gamedev & Modmaking , thanks in advance.
  26. BrazilEmperor

    My Map - Suggestions

    I'm creating a map based on the traditional style (Melee), however, on my map it will have only two factions, and I wonder if a map with 4 heroes on each side and an average of 3 units per building could impress players ... however, I need some suggestions about this ... for example: 6 heroes...
  27. Zektr

    [Campaign] Rise of Lordaeron

    Rise of Lordaeron Plot The kingdom of Lordaeron is in ruins. The Undead Scourge marches trough the land and destroys everything that stands in it's way. King Therenas is dead, Prince Arthas now belongs to the enemy and last heir of the throne, princess Calia Menethil, has been sent to safety...
  28. Tuwnew

    [Campaign] Alliance Ashes Development Thread

    /!\ WARNING - 1.31 IS REQUIRED /!\ This is my first campaign ever made and this thread is here to show you my work and to get some advices or help from this community. You will find an attached file which is my beta campaign. I hope you to test it and give me what you thought during your game...
  29. DarkRanger2

    [Campaign] The Cry of the Banshee.

    Dark Ranger Alice Darkview Presents The cry of the Banshee •Ice Queen• Command the army of mindless creatures and use Frostmourne to create more undead and resurrect the miserable creatures that may have the honnor of being killed by Frostmourne itself! Once again, the specter of...