
  1. nyhsola

    Allow Harvest (Gold and lumber) ability to give away resources to ally

    How to allow Harvest (Gold and lumber) for my unit (Worker) give away resources into allied structure (for example allied Castle). Suggest please. I already tried to modify Targets Allowed but it doesn't work.
  2. WitmenCz

    Harvest (lumber and gold) effect

    Hello, i need to help with settings on abillity, or unit, or script? Goal is using ray effect (drain life or so) instead of pickaxe swing when unit harvest destructables. (Harvesting asteroids with starship with decent distance) I am pretty sure that i can achieve this without scripting just...
  3. myjian

    How to set AI default harvest Quantity

    WE Know , WE CAN SET AI default harvest Quantity once 1 gold (SET low speed , more is campaign use) once 10 gold and wood(easy AI and Normal AI) once 20 gold and wood(Crazy AI) if i want Normal AI once 20 gold and wood , Crazy AI once 30 gold and wood HOW TO SET? CJ and BJ seems to be no...
  4. Tigrick

    SC1 Modding: Crash when SCV carries ore chunk

    Hi all! I modded the SCV's sprite in SC1. It works well, UNTIL it picks up minerals and then moves. That causes a crash. VIDEO: Flughoernchen I suspect it has something to do with shadow-GRPs that run parallel to the SCV GRP. As soon as the SCV sprite reaches frameset 0x33 during its walk...
  5. vneck

    [General] How do I give Peons a Sack of Gold?

    Hey, so basically I want to attach the harvested gold to a peon unit, without it actually harvesting anything. I'm currently using a trigger that repeats the "Walk Gold" Animation every 0.06 seconds but that has weird side effects. Thanks in advance! edit: I found out how it works (add...
  6. El Saif

    [Spell] Harvest ability bug

    So, i planned to make the harvest ability to be able to use if only there is a specific unit exist. I tried to set the Techtree Requirements to the required unit. Yes it works that the ability is disabled until the specific unit exist BUT it is still clickable. It's very annoying. Any thoughts?
  7. El Saif

    [Trigger] Return Lumber and Stacking Item

    Ok, so i need to know how to give a unit an item, in this case Lumber. Unit will get an amount of stack equal to how much lumber it currently harvested. I'm using Easy Item Stack 'n Split v2.7.4 for the system. I tried to detect lumber before and after the unit returning the lumber and give it...
  8. arcanetower

    Detect Worker Carrying Resource

    Is there a way to detect when a worker has resources via trigger or other means? I've tried "when unit casts/channels ability" on Harvest but it doesn't work. Ultimately I just want the peasant to drop gold/lumber if it's killed while carrying it.
  9. Rattlehead

    Custom Gold Mine(Rich Gold Mine)

    Hello friends, so I want to create a custom gold mine, which workers will mine 25 gold per trip from it, while keeping the 10 gold per trip standard mine, similar to Starcraft's rich mineral patches and I need some help. So I copied the mine into another unit. And I also copied the abilities...
  10. UmbraUnda

    [Solved] Stone Gathering Fix

    So, @Bitchmoon made me this awesome stone gathering trigger using triggers and hashtables. Problem is he's been MIA for a couple months and I've been try to get his help to no avail. It's just that I need to modify the trigger so that it's upgrade-able just like how wood harvesting has...
  11. Tristex

    [Trigger] Harvesters to drop gold

    I've been working on a system to make peasants and peons drop their gold-sack upon death. It is a little bit flimsy in my opinion as there is no way to detect the moment that the harvest/resumeharvesting order is completed, still I am happy enough with what I have to consider implementing it...
  12. Emm-A-

    [Role Playing Game] Emm-A-s Harvest Moon for Warcraft III

    Created by Emm-A- Hi Everybody, this is an RPG-like multiplayer adventure/farming game, based on the game series "Harvest Moon". There is an early version available now! Please test it and feel free to leave comments. The map is protected at the moment, until I have the time to provide the...
  13. Khazmo

    Harvesting Gold in the same manner as Lumber

    Hey there, I'm working on a map idea set beneath the earth, where you have to harvest Stone (a replacement for lumber) and Ore (a gold replacement). I can easily change lumber to stone, that is no issue at all as it's little more than a few model and text changes, but it is gold that I'm having...