
  1. Rahko

    [Miscellanous / Other] Mercenary Masters

    Hello, everybody! --------- MERCENARY MASTERS --------- Mercenary Masters is a game where you recruit different factions to fight on your team and try to destroy your opposing team's Obelisk while defending yours. There are three lanes that go from the one end of the map to the other and...
  2. NickGreefpool

    [Footmen Wars / Frenzy] My take on Footman Frenzy

    I wanted some feedback on this map before final release. You can choose between races and each race has a Hero. I'm specially interested in feedback on: -Gameplay -Heroes Balance -Gold costs The descriptions are in spanish, sorry for that, i'm working on the english version.
  3. millzy

    [Footmen Wars / Frenzy] Footmen Vs Grunts Elite

    Footmen Vs Grunts Elite introduction Footmen Vs Grunts is a old map originally created by newbie-wc3. With many different versions of it being released i decided to create my own with the intent for it to be 1 of the most balanced in the past my version was quite successful and very popular...
  4. Saito

    [Solved] One time lag upon ability cast.

    So, I am creating an ability that works just like Frenzy in Homm3[1]. It works just fine, at least for now, except for one annoying bug. It freezes the game for 3-5 seconds upon first cast(And first cast only! Each cast after the first one works well.). It doesn't matter if the skill is used at...
  5. dragon_kid

    Murloc Rush!!!

    Murloc Rush Creator: dragon_kid Current Stage: Construction Murloc Rush is an entirely new take on Footman Frenzy maps, deviating from the usual 'mass units until you buy the farm' mode and focusing on towering and stratagy with other units, including tactics like amphibious attackers able...