
  1. Yours Truly

    Removing Life Drain's "Already at Full Health"

    Hey there. I'm currently using Life Drain as a channeled ability that gives Lightning visual, and I want to make it castable on both allies and enemies. It works like a bomb, where you channel for X seconds and it explodes for damage. It works on enemies, but it has an issue on allies. I can't...
  2. Cizqué

    Drain Life & Siphon Mana

    Hey , i have a small issue on one of my maps. I have this hero that i want to have both Drain life and Siphon mana abillity (as seperate spells) Here is the problem i’m having. When my hero learned both the spells it will always cast Siphon mana wich ever abillity of the two i’m trying to use...
  3. hemmedo

    (Solved) Need SFX fix on this spell

    Greetings, I need an AoE drain life for my map and it seems that this spell which was made by D4RK_G4ND4LF compensates my needs pretty much. But, apparently there is a graphical problem in this spell:\ The lightning effect doesn't show up properly unless fog of war is disabled or something. I...