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chronicles of the second war

  1. shadowofkolosal

    [SD/Modeling] Request - Dragonmaw, Bleeding Hollow and Twilight Hammer Grunt

    Hi, I want to ask if anyone have those models or maybe If someone can create them. I would need them to be pretty similar to chronicles of second war style which is being developed Thanks alot
  2. Warlock Tower

    Warlock Tower

    concept by @handclaw -- Support on Patreon -- https://www.patreon.com/Shadihd
  3. CSW - New Feature - Skins

    CSW - New Feature - Skins

    Revealing upcoming new feature to the CSW campaign: Unlockable character skins!
  4. Draenei House A (Doodad)

    Draenei House A (Doodad)

    concept by @handclaw -- Support on Patreon -- https://www.patreon.com/Shadihd
  5. CSW - Orc Campaign Update progress

    CSW - Orc Campaign Update progress

  6. Draenei Townhall Tier 3

    Draenei Townhall Tier 3

    ladies and gents...I present to you the FINAL upgrade of the Draenei Townhall 🙂 very special thanks to @Trolldaeron for his concept.
  7. Undead Dark Iron Dwarves

    Undead Dark Iron Dwarves

    beware the deep places of the earth. for there you will find dark and cursed beings, waiting to slaughter the unsuspected. - CSW Undead Dark Irons made and modified by @Mr Ogre man
  8. CSW - Eastern Kingdoms Map

    CSW - Eastern Kingdoms Map

    alright friends, our man @Marthen wanted to tease you more with our own CSW map, this is another version that is going to be featured in the manual + a version with extreme details like the one you saw previously, but behold the full map shape of the eastern kingdoms
  9. High Elves - Techtree

    High Elves - Techtree

    a conjoined team effort + contributors
  10. CSW Azeroth map - teaser

    CSW Azeroth map - teaser

    a small teaser showing the update CSW world map, created by teammate Marthin/Andeval
  11. Wildhammer - Tech-tree

    Wildhammer - Tech-tree

  12. Techtree - Bronzebeard

    Techtree - Bronzebeard

  13. Draenei Archer

    Draenei Archer

    concept by: @Trolldaeron modelled by: Me
  14. Draenei Captain

    Draenei Captain

    - concept by: @handclaw - modelled by: me - Work in progress, body/armor are subject to change
  15. Draenei Footman

    Draenei Footman

    - concept by: @handclaw - modelled by: Me - Work in progress, body/armor are subject to change
  16. Draenei Peacekeeper (WIP)

    Draenei Peacekeeper (WIP)

    concept by @handclaw model by @ShadiHD
  17. Capital City of Lordaeron

    Capital City of Lordaeron

    our artistic genius @Tamplier proudly presents to you the Capital City of Lodareon, you have a choice dear player, you either defend the bastion of Humanity, or you plant the banner of the Orcish Hordes over it's looming parapets!
  18. Frostwolf Clan

    Frostwolf Clan

    designed by @Bagysta
  19. CSW Official Poster

    CSW Official Poster

    done by our friend and Contributor @handclaw
  20. Amani Ballistite

    Amani Ballistite

    designed by @Bagysta
  21. Unit Techtree - Blacktooth Grin.jpg

    Unit Techtree - Blacktooth Grin.jpg

    Sub-Factions Tech-tree: Blacktooth Grin Clan
  22. Unit Techtree - Human

    Unit Techtree - Human

    the Standard Human tech-tree as it will appear in CSW
  23. Stromwind Throne

    Stromwind Throne

    special thanks to @Trolldaeron
  24. Unit Techtree - Orcs

    Unit Techtree - Orcs

    the Standard Orcish Tech-tree as it will appear in CSW
  25. The Throne + The Kingsgaurd

    The Throne + The Kingsgaurd

    The Kingsguard stand ever vigilant protecting the throne of Menethil.
  26. Lordaeron Throne.jpg

    Lordaeron Throne.jpg

    behold, the Throne of the house of Menethil.. it was a difficult process recreating this throne from scratch due to the fact that the WOW model was low poly and way below modern standards. who's blood shall this throne be stained with? - designed by me
  27. The Footmen of the Alliance

    The Footmen of the Alliance

    designed by: @Moonman
  28. Grunts of the Orcish Horde

    Grunts of the Orcish Horde

    the many different Grunts that will appear in CSW
  29. High Elven TownHall + upgrades

    High Elven TownHall + upgrades

    done by @Tamplier777 with concepts from @Trolldaeron
  30. Death Knight

    Death Knight

    the fallen Warlocks infused with the corpses of the Knights of Azeroth
  31. Tides of Darkness Campaign Poster.jpg

    Tides of Darkness Campaign Poster.jpg

    made by contributor @handclaw
  32. CSW - Dwarven Clans logo

    CSW - Dwarven Clans logo

    made by team member @Mr.Goblin
  33. Twilight's Hammer Clan

    Twilight's Hammer Clan

    the crazed and fanatical clan of the Twilight's Hammer, a group of void worshiping Pale Orcs, these pathetic dogs are so chaotic and unpredictable that the Ogre-Magi Cho'gall was tasked in leading them and keeping them in line, otherwise they'd lose themselves to utter madness and break formation.
  34. Regional Defender (Updated)

    Regional Defender (Updated)

    made a fully custom model face-guard and imported it unto the model to resemble his WC2 counterpart more. - done in collaboration by : ShadiHD & Tamplier777
  35. Footman Variants

    Footman Variants

    Footmen Variants of Lordaeron Sub-factions, of whom were "inspired" by the WC2 footmen.
  36. Political Map of Eastern Kingdoms on the Onset of 2nd War

    Political Map of Eastern Kingdoms on the Onset of 2nd War

  37. Stormreaver Clan

    Stormreaver Clan

    The Stormreaver Clan a newly formed Clan that is comprised of what was left of the Shadow Council, Gul'dan rallied the surviving Warlocks and loyalists and founded his own small but powerful clan.
  38. Gryphon Rider (CSW)

    Gryphon Rider (CSW)

    in continuation of the Gryphon Rider topic, here's the Riders as they appeared in the second war, we wanted to pay homage to the original "White" Gryphon in WC2 but also doing some small changes like adding tattoos on the lion part instead of a full body paint, hope you like it.
  39. The Stromgardians of Arathi

    The Stromgardians of Arathi

    the Stromgardians patrolling the ancient lands of the Arathi Highlands for any possible Orcish incursion.
  40. Orcish Spear-Throwers/Archers of All Clans

    Orcish Spear-Throwers/Archers of All Clans

    designed by : Bagysta
  41. The Shattered Hand Clan

    The Shattered Hand Clan

    made by Bagysta
  42. Orc Campaign Screen - Tides Of Darkness

    Orc Campaign Screen - Tides Of Darkness

    done in Unreal Engine
  43. Doomhammer : so...you've woke up, Gul'dan.

    Doomhammer : so...you've woke up, Gul'dan.

  44. the Warrior-Mages of Dalaran

    the Warrior-Mages of Dalaran

  45. Kor'Kron Guard

    Kor'Kron Guard

    designed by : Bagysta
  46. Dark Iron Clan

    Dark Iron Clan

    done by : ShadiHD, Tamplier777, Moonman
  47. Dwarven Settlement (Townhall T1)

    Dwarven Settlement (Townhall T1)

    done by ShadiHD & Tamplier777
  48. Ironforge/Bronzbeard Dwarves

    Ironforge/Bronzbeard Dwarves

    the might Dwarves of Khaz Modan
  49. Wildhammer Clan

    Wildhammer Clan

    the Mighty Dwarves of Aerie Peak are always at the ready.
  50. Dwarven Workers (Ironforge, Dark Iron, Wildhammers)

    Dwarven Workers (Ironforge, Dark Iron, Wildhammers)
