
  1. Tigrick

    Hide the 'build menu' ability button (while retaining functionality)

    Hello! I want the button that opens the build menu to be hidden. I tried 3 methods, but they all failed: Editing "units/CommandFunc.txt" so that the Build Button's Position is 0,-11. The build button's position remained unchanged ingame. I tested the 0,-11 value for other buttons like move...
  2. Oppaikun

    [SD/Modeling] [Bulk Request] Button to Item Model

    Hey all! I've recently been scouring the internet for item models using their button art, specifically for all the standard items in the game. It seems I've reached the end for what I could manage to find on my own and have skillful individuals help me create with some existing models. The...
  3. Lordliw

    Peasant Icon in the bottom left corner

    Hello. You guys know when there are available workers not working? And then their icons show in the bottom left corner? Well I wanna know how I can change it to a different icon. Thanks in forwards to those that answer. :grin:
  4. LeXuS123

    Need btn and score screen

    Hello all, i am new member this group. In this request i need garrosh hellscream btn and score screen please Thanks for advance
  5. Voxelvoid

    Importing an Icon (HELP)

    So I begin with choosing the icon I want. I want to use it for an item. So from the beginning I only downloaded the first one, the BTN. It didnt work and after searching around it seemed I needed the DISBTN too. So I downloaded that one as well. Still nothing worked. I was confused as I didn't...
  6. Nemesis_

    DISBTN not working (green when menu is opened)

    Although there are plenty of guides out there, I still do not quite understand why it is not working. Anyone kind enough to lend me a helping hand? Link to the icon: BTNMurlocHut1