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Ring Progress Indicator

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
A ring-shaped progress indicator. Made it for my warhammer map to indicate progress of capturing strategic points.
Should fit over a circle of power with the same scale.
Two versions, one teamcolored, the other just white.
There is also a billboarded version that can be put in the air, over a unit or something.

Default animation length (for birth and dissipate) 10 seconds. Use triggers to play or scale the animations or add transparency.
Birth - fills the bar
Dissipate - empties the bar
Death - instantly hides the bar
Spell Throw - indicates completion
Spell Channel - channeling
Also there are 16 animations for specific points of progress, which may be accessed through "Set unit animation by index".

Ring Progress Billboarded (Model)

Ring Progress Billboarded White (Model)

Ring Progress Indicator (Model)

Ring Progress White (Model)

General Frank
A nice, simple, but useful in-game UI element.
Good idea. I suggest instead of having 1-16 non-standard sequences, to change that into [Birth Upgrade First] and have it full at [Stand Upgrade First] and use
  • Unit - Set (Triggering unit) upgrade progress to 50%
Also hit that "calculate extents" once

and you're missing a stand sequence
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