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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Mushi are beings in touch with the essence of life, far more basic and pure than normal living things. Due to their ephemeral nature most humans are incapable of perceiving Mushi and are oblivious to their existence, but there are a few who possess the ability to see and interact with Mushi. Mushi Resemble floaters, and microorganisms, though they are slightly larger then bacteria, each about a cm in size. This particular Mushi is a pathogenic one that produces a light emitting protein.

Based off of the award winning anime Mushi Shi.

Mushi Shi, Mushi, Plant, Virus, Infection, Green, Anime, Cartoon, Ginko, Cell

BTNMushiInfection (Icon)

16:20, 17th Nov 2008 Hawkwing: The background is a tad bright. By a tad I mean make it black. Edit: Changes not made.




16:20, 17th Nov 2008
Hawkwing: The background is a tad bright. By a tad I mean make it black.

Edit: Changes not made.