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Beige Roads

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.

Beige Roads

The roads are getting split here. Stay away from there if you don't want to get lost!

- 4 Gold Mines - 2 Main (12500g), 2 Expansions (10000g)
- 2 Goblin Merchants
- 1 Tavern

- 4 Green Creep Camps
- 6 Orange Creep Camps
- 0 Red Creep Camps

Map Overview:

- Map uploaded
- Terrain and doodads improved.
- Changed map name to Beige Roads.

Author Notes:
If you have questions, suggestions, or criticisms, just leave your comments below!


Beige Roads (Map)

Review - Beige Roads (Version February 20th 2024) Synopsis: Beige Roads is a Sunken Ruins-themed melee map for two players. The open layout of the map supports quick melee matches without extra specialties or strategic elements having a big role on...


Map Reviewer
Level 32
Feb 19, 2011
Review - Beige Roads
(Version February 20th 2024)
Synopsis: Beige Roads is a Sunken Ruins-themed melee map for two players. The open layout of the map supports quick melee matches without extra specialties or strategic elements having a big role on the map.
Map Aesthetics: The map is very open and the lack of decorative props makes it look rather empty. Visual aspects of the map could be improved through the usage of more decoration and better tile usage.
Map Layout: The map is very open, with emphasis on the very. The direct route to the enemy hastens up the game flow in combination with heavily guarded expansion gold mines. The neutral objectives being far away from the starting locations I'd expect rush tactics to excel on this map in combination with quick poke-and-harass being strong too.
Neutral Objectives: The map features very few neutral objectives which further encourages quick engagement with the opponent. The creeping route seems a little awkward with the easier creep camps located on mirrored sides of the map, eating additional time if you want to creep. The item drops could be stronger on all but the green camps. The difficult (Level 19) camp guarding the gold mine makes it very hard to take in such an open and direct map and doubt whether there's enough time or incentive to even attempt to take the expansion site.
Map Gameplay: The game flow is very direct with few and difficult objectives to take. The direct access to the enemy base with no strengths on the defending side.

Fix the item drops to correspond better with the creep camp difficulty.
I'd also encourage to consider the difficulty of the gold mine camps as they are very hard for such fast-paced map.