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  • Greetings fellow Warcrafters.

    Though I have been present on the HIVE, I have been taking a break from Warcraft - but now I'm back.

    I've got some big news coming up, but let's take a look at the status of my maps first, shall we?

    • BotFA: Still on the update list.
    • AoT Dominance: I'm trying to rework it, but don't expect any updates for a long time.
    • There and Back Again: This map is dead, sorry. I don't have any plans to update it.

    Okay, with that out of the way, what's the big news...?

    I'm releasing a new map!

    I can't say what it is yet, but I can say that it's Lord of the Rings themed.

    That's all from me for now - have a good day :)
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    Reactions: Gree-D and Fleck
    Kinda like me, I visit Hive but I'm not actively working on my maps until quite recently. I hope the new map is altered melee since I love altered melee but I get the feeling it's going to be a rpg. Anyways, I look forward to your new map!
    There's a lot of LOTR RPG's out there, so I've certainly gone a different route.

    I do hope you enjoy it once it's out :)
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    Reactions: Fleck
    The latest version of BotFA, V4.5, will be released tomorrow.

    Additions include a new "Mobility Stance" ability for Laketown units, map-wide commands to order units to use certain abilities, and enemy forces spread into different Players to hopefully reduce unit lagging.

    ~ Namárië
    A few map updates since my official and triumphant return to Warcraft:

    • AoT Dominance: Currently on extended hiatus. I'm not certain as to where I should go with this map so it's future is uncertain.
    • BotFA: A new update is in development for this map, due in no small part to @HerrDave posting a few new models and renewing my inspiration. Big thanks!
    • There and Back Again: Unlikely to be updated in the near future, if at all.

    New Maps?
    - I might start work on some new LOTR maps. We'll just have to wait and see...
    Well, I finally finished Torchlight 2.

    There's a few things I would've liked to see, but overall it was a great game and I'll definetly replay it one day to check out the other Classes (I played as an Outlander for anyone interested).

    Kind of underwhelming ending though, if I'm being honest. Maybe because I was playing on casual XD
    After some time away, I have returned to Warcraft.

    I have a new project coming up, but it may take some time...
    I have recently started playing Torchlight 2
    Just a reminder that the status of my maps and other information can be found under the "About" section of my Profile. It's updated pretty infrequently (like the rest of my stuff XD) so if you're interested checking once a month should keep you caught up on what I'm up to. I mainly use that method since I don't want to spam my own Profile with small updates on what I'm working on.

    What am I working on since my break, you may ask?

    Well, the current project is a new AoT-themed map named "The Great Titan War". It's essentially a revision-of-sorts of the current AoT Dominance map. If I do post it, it'll most likely be separately and I'll take the time to decide if one is preferred over the other.

    Since this map is possibly a long way away, AoT Dominance will be getting an update this December. The most major thing this update will bring is a change to Pure Titan behavior and a new system for the Armoured Titan.

    BotFA is also getting an update that'll fix some bugs, slightly reduce difficulty, and hopefully redo some Hero abilities. This might only come in January-February though.

    I might be inactive for a while between December and January due to personal reasons, one of which is a big move.

    Thanks for reading, folks, and hope you have good days ahead this Holiday Season and into the New Year :)
    PLEASE NOTE: I will be taking a break from Warcraft as I got kind of burnt out...

    I know, you may remind me of my "November Plans", but I never said that was exactly what would happen. That's why I try not to promise anything :plol:

    Look at it this way; this just means I might not take a break in December like I said I would.


    - A new AoT Dominance update (already halfway done).

    That is all.
    AoT Dominance has 506 downloads so far...? Honestly, I never expected to reach a milestone like that, but I'm happy of course that so many people are enjoying my maps. The fact that the count goes up every time they update, no matter how long the wait... It really is an honour.

    To all those people who've downloaded, and continue to download my maps... To the whole Warcraft and HIVE community... Thank you.
    eeesh.. i do not want to feel your rash O-o

    joking aside, hey there :)
    • Haha
    Reactions: FeelMyRash
    not much, i have been out of the whole warcraft 3 modding scene, and while i can match the fancy new models i see these days, i can't implement them into that new mess blizz has made xP so i edit and refine different models
    You've made some interesting ones, though unfortunately I've never made a map that could use any of them until recently.

    My favorite is definetly the Walking Chaos.
    well yeah, it's always the latest one that's the most refined xD you have to thank frostwhisper for that
    The next AoT Dominance update is coming along nicely. I only hope it will be worth the wait when it releases.

    A bit more testing still has to be done, but it should hopefully be here before the 20th of November.
    Finally finished Attack on Titan and... Wow. What an amazing ending.

    Of course this means AoT Dominance is back on the update list. Small changes have already been included, so hopefully the next update won't be far off.

    The plans for November are as follows:
    • New update for BotFA that'll introduce elite units and Command Tents. This should hopefully come out early November.
    • Following the final episode of Attack on Titan, a new update for AoTD will begin development . It will probably be small in scale to enable quick release, but will be followed by larger updates.

    This is the current plan, though it could change in any number of ways, the time frame should hopefully remain the same.

    Another BotFA update may come out in late November or early December, possibly followed by another AoTD update.

    Late December - January will probably relatively silent.

    I would once again like to thank all the people who have downloaded my maps - as well as HIVE and it's community for allowing me to post them here and inspiring me.
    A NEW Version of The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies HAS BEEN RELEASED!

    I know. I'm shocked too.

    If you're interested, check it out :)
    The new map is drawing near, and so I can give a bit more information.

    It will be a remake of one of my old maps is what I will tell you... A most "unexpected" one at that.
    Note that I am working on a special secret map. Its not close to completion yet, but I hope to release it before November 4th. No promises, though.
    The final episode of Attack on Titan is only a month away - and with it the continued updates of AoT Dominance.
    After careful consideration, I've decided to completely redo the rocket system for the Cart Titan in AoT Dominance.

    In the new system, rockets will no longer serve as potential missiles. Instead, they will now serve as a way to regain mana unique to the Cart in Short-Range Platform mode.

    Additionally, the inventory system and some items may be getting a rework.

    A new update is in the works. However, similar to the previous update, it will be very small in size. Release date is unknown as there are quite a few things I need to look into still. It shouldn't take too long is all I can say.

    Update 3.8 will most likely be the last update until the anime finishes. I still have plans to continue this map, so those who play or enjoy it don't have to worry about it stopping production. Just know that it may be quite some time before another update comes out.

    I am thankful to those who download this map, especially to those who comment on it. I am also thankful to Hive itself for allowing me to share my work.

    Until the next update.
    For those who have played the newest AoT Dominance update, you may have noticed the new Cart Titan system. Many of you are probably not happy with the system as-is, and I agree that it could use some work.

    To that end, I've come up with a few possibilities that could make it better. The options are as follows:

    • Faster cooldown to Rockets, but higher energy cost.
    • More types of Rockets (at least 2 extra possibilities).
    • Removal of Catapult mode.
    • Return the ranged attack to Rocket-Platform Mode.

    These are all possible additions that may make the new Cart system more useful, though some of them are mutually exclusive regarding the others. I'll definetly be thinking on them but I hope that others can weigh in their input.
    Version 3.7 of AoT Dominance will be released tomorrow. As previously stated, it will be a small update, but will pave the way for a larger update.

    I'll also be hoping for some input on the new Cart Titan system. I'll probably post something in the map thread itself after the update is posted.
    Version 3.7 of AoT Dominance is in development. It won't be an overly large update, but it will feature some important features - namely a new missile system for the Cart Titan, new models for the Titan Powers dropped by Shifters, and a revamp of "Rumbling Mode".

    When will it come out? Sometime this month, probably no later than the 20th, if it even takes that long.
    Expect an update for AoT Dominance to be in the works around late-August - early-September. I can't give an exact release date however.

    I have been thinking hard on the new update, and already have things planned for it, so when I do get to it, it should not take as long to work on (unlike V3.5 which I essentially rushed into blindly after a long absence).

    I appreciate all you people who have downloaded the map and hope to see more from you as it grows :thumbs_up:
    Update 3.5 for AoT Dominance took a long time - we all know that. So, to make up for it, ANOTHER update is already being prepared for release!

    Update 3.6 will bring much-needed Terrain changes to the map; making it look more city-like and less of an eye-sore.

    The Founding Titan will also gain some new abilities as its power was found lacking in a recent test. Now, not only will it be given the opportunity to scout enemies from afar, it will also be able to stun ALL enemies across the map for a duration.

    Expect this update by the 10nth of July at the latest. As always, an alert will be posted the day before.
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