• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Intriguing, he comes alone right?
    I could guess he can summon an army through magic.
    Conversations in Hive... I think they have no end, but it's up to you. I have had no projects for a long time now. How about you?
    Here's Deathsabre :

    The Death King once happened to find a warrior burning in the flames of darkness and revenge. Being much impressed by his work the death king chose him as his right hand. But the bitter truth is still unknownto the death king. The hand he chose is a hand of a betrayer, the loyal warrior he chose serves him his fake loyalty. Deathsabre cares for nothing save power and plans to slay the death king upon reaching the right time.
    If u feel that some words have been exxagerated then VM me... :)
    Heres varamaril.. In this one I have only fixed grammar errors


    Varamil is Malixars only true son. He has been trained well from childhood to become Assasin of the light.
    If u want me to lengthen it then I will be happy to...
    I am very sorry to hear the loss of your brother fang.... May his soul rest in peace.... and remember he is still with you all the time even if you cant see him... he is still there somewhere in your heart letting u know of his presence.
    Oh and heres the lore :


    The Emperor of the astounding empire of evergrowing darkness was nothing more than a poor elf of the far lands whose name is long forgotten. He once met with a necromancer in his hometown formerly known as “ XYZ”. Inspite of knowing the necromancer’s intentions the elf accepted his offer and was given a book of necromancy…. His greed for fame and darkness drowned him in the dark sea of madness and power. Ever since he has been wandering in this realm searching for more power, causing more devastation and not sparing a single thing that stands in his way.
    I actually lost the lore file so I am doing this again please inform me if any problem..... And XYZ is the name of his village.. :]
    Your birthday was yesterday ?? :O HAPPY BIRTHDAY FANGIE !!!
    Ah.. Fine and a lot better.. I bathed after 16 days.. :p and you? Hows your project? :)
    I have deleted your thread in Off-Topic for breaking the rule about advertising. Please re-read the rules carefully.
    Oh so they were just pics edited.... Hehehe... :)
    I will realyy fix those texts when I am in condition to walk properly... I admire your patience and mapping skills. :)
    About the trigger you post to Demon_Slayer.

    Remove all Do Nothing actions, as it's actually do one thing and it's not a good thing (get ready for caps :D) :
    Leave the block empty where the Do Nothing action was.
    Actually I know about that and I dont need triggers as I already have that system known as rebirth. (But mine is a bit different)

    I was asking how you did those custom hero dialogues without jass.

    I am suffering from chicken pox so I am in no condition to do anything So the rest lore when I get cured... :(
    Actually I know about that and I dont need triggers as I already have that system known as rebirth. (But mine is a bit different)

    I was asking how you did those custom hero dialogues without jass.

    I am suffering from chicken pox so I am in no condition to do anything So the rest lore when I get cured... :(
    yep, and what is that?

    Edit: Just my observation: Are you aware the it should be "pieces" not "peaces"?
    My previous post is shit.. So dont read that.. Heres daelron.

    Daelron.. A lone ranger who was abandoned by his father in childhood. He joined the army when upon reaching 15 years of age. But his fate failed him again and he was kicked out by his commander. Now he is strong enough to take on adversaries at once and is the most feared elf in these lands
    Heres Daelron....

    Daelron... A lone ranger who was abandon by his father in childhood jo
    Hmm.. I thought it was about collecting souls whenever you kill a unit. Its actually similar to my rebirth system.. :p

    And about the dialgue I surely can and I am going to fix all... But how did you make them ? Its impossible without jass... I think so. ;)
    Hmm... I read ur description dialogues. There are many gramatical mistakes. Espcially in the Daelron one. It really needs improvement.

    But one thing I cant deny is you are an amazing triggerer and terrainer. What dou use? Jass or GUI ?
    Fangy !! Hows missions of the past? And what is the souls system ?
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