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  • HAHAHAHA love story in C&C! hahaha
    Thats why for me Yuri's Revenge is the best :cgrin:
    There is no love just pain in ass! haahaaha
    I heard C&C4 sucks! I did not play it.
    But there is completely new shitty crappy resource system, main reason why game sucks, you cannot harvest tiberium any more.
    haha thanks man! I am glad to see you!
    haha in C&C3 and 4 he dies many time, and magically got live again. :cgrin:
    Well I've worked out how I'm gonna continue Enter The Pit with the Fulk + Slayer etc. But right now I've started a new map since I want to upload that to the Hive as well.
    function A takes integer i returns unit
    if i == 0 then
    return null //Not 100% sure but return without null should work probably as well
    return CreateUnit(Player(0), 'hfoo', 0,0,0) //Create Footman for Player Red on 0,0 coordinates with 0 facing angle

    TRUE just skip remain actions, FALSE will return unit because native CreateUnit returns native
    Yeah I know.. Nothing I can do about that though. It's not really a bad bug anyway, since it doesn't actually interfere with the game much.
    New version is up. Feel free to check it out. Unfortunately, I didn't include slayer nor fulk, since I'm still tweaking on those.. But I did change three classes, so you could try those out :3


    Oh, also, always check the first post, since I'll always be updating that one with news etc.
    Yeah, I know it is short but at least(e) we can know the content of the map and how it is played.
    That's good! When you finished the first area and the triggeres, how about releasing a WiP map? So we can play it and test!
    Your jass signature is really bad and inefficient :)
    Hint: Return native instantly, remove new declaration, function name != unit variable name...
    Haha, yeah.. You'll see! There will be lots of other things too by the way. :) Also, if you read vengeancekael's comment once more... Most of what he says is pretty minor and quite irrelevant at this point. I'm pointing this out because you wrote: Oh yeah, and everything vengeancekael said.

    You should make the Fallen Protector's small treans be controlled by the AI and thus they follow the hero around, because you can't use your hero's abilities while you have everyone selected.
    Also change the Mage's Q's icon, it's not a chain lightning, it's an orb.
    And why not make the ranged heros' offensive orb show up as a projectile going towards the target point instead of just appearing at the target point after a while.
    Oh yeah and add more modes, which you have promised.
    The AI still needs a lot of improvement, as a Priest, they just stand there and heal themselves constantly. (Oh and they walk to the same location after a while and just stand there)
    -Fallen protector's treants already follow their master, even when he wrote this.
    -Mage's 'Q' icon has been changed, this was absolutely minor anyway......
    -The offensive orb that he's talking about is actually the first version I uploaded with the no-missile-showing-up bug.
    -Modes are going to be added as time moves on. (I consider this comment something minor too.. Since my map is fully playable anyway..)
    -The priest's AI has been fixed to attack more. The rest of the AI has been tinkered on as well, but didn't actually need it. It functioned properly. The priest however, I set him to mostly heal players. Now he will only heal when there is a units around him under 50% health.

    The arena looks a bit dead, try adding some lower areas in the center for example, with a few statues around, etc. A thick fog would also be atmospheric.
    I kept in mind the Roman arenas were mostly 'dead' as well.. With the reason that death and decay would keep the life out of the arena. Statues are probably not going to work. Statues have to ALMOST ALWAYS be placed in some sort of symmetrical fashion. I feel it wouldn't fit in this or any other arena. However, no collision models will be added.

    The game really is simple as you've said so yourself, it doesn't live up to Warlock's fast-paced combat, you have less abilities and the game isn't really "flashy" looking.
    I'd suggest you add a movement skill to every class, the Mage having a blink for example, the fallen protector digging himself underground and moving to a location, knocking people back, or the footman jumping.
    Would also be nice if you'd add some neat, original modes.
    I hate that he compared my map to Warlock... It's supposed to be a map that has classes which are vulnerable without one helping the other out. There's a reason Team Deathmatch is the first mode to pick. I also assumed he didn't get to a 1000 fame, as that's where you receive your Godspeed... Godspeed makes up for the lack of movement utility. Also, if he would've played Stalker, he'd realize there WOULD be a jump. I think he played my map maybe once or twice, and not even for the full length of the round.

    Anyway, that's all about vk's comment...
    Would like to know from you.. Would it be better if I took the pitlord's "talking" out, whenever a kill is made? I got kind of used to it :p I think I might have tested my map over 500 times so.. Yeah, got used to it lol.
    Replied to your post. New version is coming along quite well. I hope to be able to upload the new version within the next 6 hours. If not, then somewhere in the following 24 hours.
    By the way, thanks for commenting. I'm just gonna wait for a little bit longer before I post a reply though. Need to get some more comments flowin' .. Anyway, it's almost 4 AM here. Goodnight :D
    function BlackKnightTGS takes string ideas returns map
    local map new
    if lazyness<motivation then
    set new=IssueBuildOrder(BlackKnightTGS,ideas)
    return new //could return directly from the previous line, but just for fun, let's declare what kind of object it returns

    call PauseUnit(BlackKnightTGS)
    return null

    Looks better hehe :)
    Just uploaded a fixed version btw...
    Idk what the hell went wrong there. Also, updating the map messed up my map description -_- ... Lawl, fixing it now.
    I've actually been thinking of starting a Garena group for this game, so people can find and play with others. :) You think that's an idea, or?
    It's "Assault on the Dark Portal", right? I'll check it out. If I've got some bad things to say about it, I'll definitely comment.
    Probably won't be a full review though.
    I'm not a moderator anymore, if you want your map moderated you should ask someone else.
    If you just want a review, then I'm afraid I only take requests from maps that are playable in single player (if I find it interesting enough :p).
    Thanks man!
    Party was awesome. My real birthday was two days ago but i made party yesterday.
    We drink about 10L of beer, few of us.
    Well, I am using just inis for direct editing.
    Yeah, and modding it.
    I am not bad at all, had birthday party last night, but my real birthday was two days ago.
    Reputation (+2):
    (Post) your sig is not right... Serious sam runs only from duke nukem, and he runs from chuck norris... abut chuck norris, he runs from nothing :D
    heres the condition ... : You should put the well merchants and secret shops the mobs and bosse to the mountain side and the bosses put the raise the cliffs and ill put the doodads and the tilesets ...... Agree ... Oe not ! Im soooo Busy men !
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