• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • I was nulling you inside the struct, so it wasn't a syntax error :D

    You should've said:

    private static constant unit Crazed_seal2 :p
    Ah, but you have failed, for I have done the following before you nulled me:

    local unit m = Magtheridon96

    I will now do the following:

    set Magtheridon96 = m
    call SetUnitExploded(Crazed_seal2, true)
    call RemoveUnit(Crazed_seal2)
    set Crazed_seal2 = null

    That's what the Jass interpreter could look like.
    I gave you pseudo code because the actual code would be greater than 1000 characters ;p
    It's interpreted by a mini-app inside wc3.

    It loops through text like this:

    void interpret(int line) {
    if (s == "local") {
    allocate memory;
    } else if (s == "set") {
    get variable name;
    store value inside memory with pointer (hash(variable name))
    } else if (s == "call") {
    if IsNative(get function name) {
    execute function();
    } else {
    go to beginning of function (hashed);
    interpret(current line);
    go back to original line;
    } else if (s == "loop") {
    store end of loop in integer (line);
    store beginning of loop in integer;
    while(true) {
    go to first line in loop;
    interpret(current line);
    go to next line in loop;
    if (s == "exitwhen") {
    if GetExitWhenCondition() {
    Yo Crazed_Seal! Since you are in charge of the LoL social group, could you then please delete the "Siv HD guides"-thread? We wanna make another thread called "League of Legends Videos" instead :)
    Hmmm we can still balance the team, putting high levels and low levels in both teams :)

    About the server thing, yeah that might be a problem. But I'm sure that there's enough people in at least one of the servers :)
    Hey dude, I've joined your LoL social group and I think it needs something new in order to raise the activity. Either we should just put some more screenshots in there for people to comment, or we could host a competition of LoL, inviting all players into two premade teams. The winning team will be rewarded +5rep (One from each member on the opposite team). That would be fun eh? :)
    It is a well known fact that they have the highest failure rates of all computer components? Incase you wonder why, it is because they are mechanical and so are subject to wear unlike electronic components which are subject to degredation (usually radioactive or diffusion based).
    Zomg, your avatar is spastic, I looked at it for one second and I thought I was high lol.
    lol Yeah I do :p
    I don't think I'm going to request one from Dragonson though because I like to change my avatar quite often xD
    I saw you
    [INFO] Crazed_seal [/] logged in with entity id 438 at (-23.5, 63.62000000476837, -215.5)
    [INFO] <Crazed_seal> hello?
    [INFO] Crazed_seal tried command: who
    [INFO] Crazed_seal tried command: players
    [INFO] Crazed_seal tried command: player
    [INFO] Crazed_seal lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    [INFO] Crazed_seal [/] logged in with entity id 2687 at (-10.5, 67.62000000476837, -222.5)
    [INFO] Crazed_seal lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    [INFO] Crazed_seal [/] logged in with entity id 9678 at (-15.5, 66.62000000476837, -219.5)
    [INFO] <Crazed_seal> HELLO
    [INFO] <Crazed_seal> hello
    [INFO] <Crazed_seal> hello
    [INFO] <Crazed_seal> hello
    [INFO] <Crazed_seal> hello
    [INFO] <Crazed_seal> hello
    [INFO] <Crazed_seal> hello
    [INFO] Crazed_seal lost connection: disconnect.quitting

    Hey, join hive chat now!!!
    Hey there.
    About the JASS code you posted at my old account's profile (Herian). Yeah, you're right, I wasn't a JASSer anyways. Better yet, School can simply be a variable, simplifying the code. =)
    Apparently such a function really is hard (talking about your sig) :D
    I'd try taking a string as well (you know, as in the unit's name).
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