• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!
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  • Uhm, thats not a name, I just asked you if you are bosnian, because Hayat the name of their TV station and Azra is a common female name and muda means balls. Are you turk then?
    the previous model had the same flicker you complained about, but the crystal went dark on the flicker.

    is the crystal now alright on the flicker?
    heya :D chaos naga... does he still have that crystal tinting problem? check.
    simple, find the filters tab, find the sharpen, and click "sharpen once" ^.^

    do not be afraid to show the whole skin you're workin' on. that way i can give you as much tips, which can certainly hep you.

    another tip: what looks good on the portrait, isn't always lookin' good on the actual game model. so i suggest simplicity, one blood tear instead of three for example. and you first have to really visualize what you want to make.
    How to make details less blurry/pixelated? simple, go up in the resolution of your W.I.P. skin, that way, it won't show pixelated when you try it out. and when you're all happy with the skin, then you reduce it to original size and apply the sharpen filter. but you should always keep your W.I.P skin, in case you want to change something.

    now.... i sure can't give you some tips, based on the picture, as i miss the actual skin to look at. provide me that and i'd be glad to help :]
    You can use pastebin to get me a skin you're workin' on, so i won't have my profile spammed with pictures.

    one tip i can give :3 Simplicity is always better option than a bunch of little details, as they get lost in the game.
    I am a critiquer, i can give you a few tips, depending on what program you use.
    i myself made some neat skins, but, alas, they weren't to hive standards.
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