• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Nothing, just some pirate terms.

    Now that I think of it... y u no use Google?!11
    Doing well. Just release a new version yesterday.

    Melayu? Saya faham, tapi bisa campur dengan bahasa Indonesia, jadi bisa kurang jelas saat menulis. Maaf jika terjadi salah ketik.
    Formerly , there has a scenic country which full of delectation's citizen. One day, plenty of kodos were rushed into the castle and ate the citizen.Assuredly , multitudinous of the citizen trying to keep themself away from the doom. Nevertheless the kodo is unwieldy , but they ......(extending)

    P.S. Okay , i will.(correct me if i use a wrong vocabulary)
    I have nothing to update ... Just waiting for someone who give me feedback and some suggestion.

    P.S. Sound great , but what is that ?
    1. That is how the model looks like :)
    2. You already told me that on the recent post
    How About:

    - Cake Crown (Are you agree?)
    - Cake Shield (Are you agree?)
    - Cake Scepter (Are you agree?)
    - Cake Missile (Are you agree?)
    1. List of heroes[otable]
    - Emperor Disasthorm (Demi - God)
    - Grimspreader Lord
    - Flavycos
    - King Magichrion

    - Emperor Liefaldi
    - Maecry Ragenbion (Demi - God)
    - Fang, The Great
    - King William Hellfire

    - Regime Fujioka
    - Daffa, The Mage
    - Directive, The Cake Master
    - General Aurora
    - Raven the Silent Lady
    - Fallen Mage[/otable]
    2. I just want to remove the "255" anyway what's the model?
    3. Yes, I can.

    P.S: Sorry to replying your VM for to long, I'm so sorry. It because my Mobile Phone can't hold size of the data.
    Hello, hey I have added your hero! And reduce the existing hero amount too
    Can I change Directive255 to Directive?
    Alleria and Turalion; Vereesa and Rhonin; Sylvanas and Arthas Nathanos; Medivh and Garona; and so many more. I think they are all proof that they CAN.
    Soviet655, :cgrin:

    I'm planning to... I don't really know. I refuse to predict any future that concerns me.

    Directive255 the Cakemaster
    You have no idea of how much I miss this...
    Oh, okay....

    *Lord Archimonde abandoned you because you oppose him, say sorry and say "I'll serve you Great Lord Archimonde Supreme. Archimonde Superior!! Elves Inferior!!!" :)
    Btw how did you make text like previous post?

    Soviet, if I ever make any post that annoys or displeases you, I apologize for that
    Me too
    1. Oh yeah, my bad. It should be Directive5225772519877001
    2. Archimonde Superior, Elves Inferior, Cake is Tasty
    3. I'm not a slave I'm a Medic
    4 GONNA EAT THEM ALL!!! Meh-Heh-Heh-Heh-Heh-Heh-Heh...
    First, my name is Directive255 the Cakemaster -- D-I-R-E-C-T-I-V-E-2-5-5. Roger?

    P.S. Pal, please stop selling your freedom to Archimonde Inferior. It's a foolish thing to do. And, I remind you -- Spread the elf
    love. It's inevitable.
    1. Got it Detective 522 :thumbs_up:
    2. Archimonde Superior, Elves Inferior :infl_thumbs_up:
    3. I'm not selling my freedom, read this dialogue:

    Me: Can I be free My Lord? Just for 1 day...Err... 2 days?.... I mean 3...Years?
    Lord Archimonde: Sure, Dreadwing...
    Me: Yipeee!!! :grin:
    4. Cake is tasty, I'm enjoying my birthday cake now... I want to make cakes someday...Ultra Spicy Curry Flavor...Or maybe Poisoned Green Apple Flavor with Venomancer's Poisons...

    Anything Else?
    Ah, isn't this Detective 25...27.... I forgot your number, what is your number?

    I'm a Loyal Servant of Great Lord Archimonde Supreme. Archimonde Superior!!
    hmm. because i feel, I've been using that avatar for months and I change this avatar cause its cool enough. well atleast for me.
    Of course. Haha. Thanks
    Hmm. Spread more. Haha. I want that bastard to know how awesome elves are. Anyway maybe he's now taking it SERIOUSLY.
    Hmm. Apologize accepted. Well, it's a bit fine, still working on the terrain.
    Well, so what do you want me to do with him?
    Greetings also to you too. Anyway what's with that sincerely note that always there when you post or message someone. It's really bothering.
    Soviet, if I ever make any post that annoys or displeases you, I apologize for that.
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