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  • I salute you for uploading a lot of stuff on curse of the forsaken 2.0 and not even being a lazy slag. I tried to use the forsaken for a melee custom map I'm making and it's really hard.
    You've got really awesome maps/mods in the arcade. :)
    I like how everything is arranged in genres. I just added you my tag is rronknight
    Of course man! Well what's your account there? I find it boring to play it myself as well. I mostly play arcade, aside from the campaign.
    There's also a nice mod Allience vs Horde, it's basically Warcraft IV in Starcraft II..
    Whats your account name so I add you as friend?
    Any plans on making a melee map that allows the player to use factions from your campaigns, such as Forsaken, Blood Elves, Vrykul, Fel Orc, and so on.
    Hello. Tomoraider! I have recently played your Curse of the forsaken. Well I really like it, well I didn't finish it yet. Anyways where did you get the forsaken farm model/skin?
    hello there old friend! I'm back for now, its been a year since I was last active on the site, have anything new?
    Hi Tomoraider! I really liked your Apothecary Phaelynne model in your Curse of the Forsaken Campaign (which I also really enjoyed)! I would really like to use her i an upcoming project of mine and was wondering if that would be okay with you? If not, I understand, but please let me know!
    What major events from Cataclysm can we expect to see in the upcoming campaign? And by the way, are you planning to do completely new tech-trees for your 3 races? Night Elves, Worgens and Highborne?
    Can we expect after this "Cata" expansion to see MoP and WoD expansions? And please don't use WoW rip-offs in your next campaign, because you already set really high quality for your maps... I know that it is hard to find nice Worgen models, but you are known as great campaign maker on this site and I am sure there is some modelers on this site willing to help you ! Btw how old are you? =D
    Oh, sure! Just tell me the information (size, tileset, the place, gameplay; somethings like this)
    Its better we talk in PM. xD
    Well, the events spice it up but I got rekt there :D. It's only chapter I used cheats to get past :/
    Yeah. Btw, I forgot to mention one thing last night. You might want to reduce the time on the defense mission since it get tedious :/
    Oh okay, no worry. I'm not sure about it but I believe google translate has received some heavy updating and from what I've tested it understands colloquial phrases much better.
    I am actually using the High Elf Archer for something else, like the Blood Elf Archer for the Blood Elves.
    Anyhow, it's a bit late so I'm off. Cya mate :p
    Really? That sounds interesting. Personally, I like japanese more but I doubt anyone would go on a wild witch hunt for a bunch of kanji :D. Btw, can check my main riddle for errors once write it?
    Well, I'm currently thinking of making the main riddle in latin. For the extra bit :D.

    EDIT: and the rest of the smaller ones in old english.
    I wouldn't agree, it's something quite unique and fun if you ask me. Btw, currently little progress even when I told them they needed to do multiple transitions and start with numbers. It's extremely well-made :)
    I'm actually talking about on how to get the skin to work.
    For some reason I still have the old Night Elf Archer and not the Forsaken Archer.
    Coincidence lol. I've rephrased the 2nd hint as follows "Look behind you and retrace your steps" and I also said backwards at some point but I doubt that's going to be enough :D.
    Btw, is it okay with you if I do a similar thing with my project?
    Btw, in case you don't see the post in the thread, real nice work with the riddle. I've sent it to friends, 1 and 3 done, 2 is a bitch :D
    Hey tomoraider.
    Any chance you might know on how to get that Forsaken Dark Ranger unit to work in your campaign series?
    I need it for Sylvanas' Forsaken like army.
    Not really, they just ran out of ideas and said "Fuck it, give us money for something you've already seen". That's how I see it at least.
    Well, you see, it's basically what they're doing to SC2 as well. I mean, ok fine, I can agree Lich King was a loose end but okay, did they really need to dig up deathwing? Or take a huge dump on all the novels and games like RoC? I mean, the cinematic with Grom dying was one of the most emotional plot parts and they retconned it :/. Also, where the F did Garrosh come from? I doubt that Grom's last words wouldn't have been "take care of my son" when dying if he knew about him. It just makes less and less sense after BC and mid WotLK.
    To be honest, the only weak points I can see are related to Blizzard's poor story writing and when I say that, keep in mind that I'm probably biased because when I heard Lich King was coming back, I was yelling "Bullshit" and "reusing villains" at my screen. So yeah, they really messed up warcraft after BC :/
    Well, I'm currently chasing bugs underground. This reminds me, I laughed out loud when I read the Horde and Alliance forces were eaten alive on the shores when the "Unneeded Forsaken" made it through like it was a walk in the park.
    I don't know but judging from my experience, I'm just waiting for her to turn on me again. Btw. I want to congratulate you about the constant betrayals, really spices thing up and makes you think before you give an item to a hero. Also one of the reasons sylvanas gets all the tomes :D
    Welp, them just turning on you would have been even more hilarious. Also, I love how Sylvanas doesn't notice her lieutenant going crazy, yelling at herself for 30 minutes.
    Well, I wouldn't say bad but more like fast. In a few places through the campaign thus far I've felt some of the dialogue was fastened so as to not bore people but if you ask me, longer dialogue is not a bad thing. And I also like the fact that gargoyles actually wanted to bargain rather than say "Sure thing, we'll go die for your cause because we obviously have nothing better to do". If you ask me, the best thing you could have done is that they just tell you to go F yourself and make the fight harder. From my friend said, the gryphons are entirely doable without them.
    I beg to differ. Actually, I insist to differ. I loved that someone actually added worgen in a campaign. There's a reason I want to voice Darkclaw you know :D
    I forgot to tell you one thing. Your design of Silverpine forest is amazing. It just looks so so so good, I didn't want that mission to end. It's something about the aesthetic and atmosphere there that's really unique. I'd marry the person who made a whole campaign/large RPG with that style *-*
    Oracles are goddamn little weasels >.> They should be killed with cleansing fire or the next best thing - YAMATO CANNON :D Anyhow, cya mate. :)
    Aye, my favourite SC unit out of all 5 games thus far.
    Valkyrie prepared. I'm eager to help (insert german accent here) :D
    Nah, only werewolves and valkyries for me.
    Alright mate, thanks for the understanding ^_^. Now, it's a bit late over here and I'll have to be going. Need my beauty sleep *fabulous face*
    Well, I spoke with my friends, we took only a quick look at the dialogue in map01 since they didn't have much time today (them being in university and this being my final year in high school) so please excuse the wait, I know it's annoying but I also have a project of my own and the one I want to do voice for is darkclaw :D. So yeah, I'll keep you posted and send the samples as soon as we have them. Again, very sorry for the wait :/
    Well, I got further in today and noticed you actually used WoW sounds for some dialogue, btw I hate what they did to Sylvanas' Voice in WoW T_T. Anyway, I'll talk to my friends and record some audio to see how it turns out. Also, if you think that CotF is too big to be fully voiced, we could try doing it step by step with your next campaign, assuming you want to of course.
    Hey, I've played and enjoyed both of your campaigns and I'd like to say, me and some friends want to express our interest in voice acting for Curse of the Forsaken. I'm not sure if you've thought about this and if you are interested at all but if you are, it would be a pleasure for us to do it. Currently, I can guarantee 2-4 male voices and 1-2 female voices (3 actors in total) and possibly more if others deem it fun as well. Please let me know your thoughts. Regard :)
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