• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • There currently is a bot hosting Conquest 24/7. Add "FilmtingHostBot" to your friends list to keep track of games. You might have a hard time getting a game going though.
    Just so you know I released version 4 with hotkey indicators and more organized barracks like you said. And thank you very much for helping me get this map approved :D.
    Oh, thank you very much for those. I'm pretty sure those maps are waiting to get approved/rejected/pending depending on the circumstances or the reviews.

    It's quite sad that I'm quite inactive on the sections so pardon.
    Good point. But, even though I haven't tested the map with multiple people much myself, I think that those who go for gold early have an early disadvantage. With 1 or more miners to mine the gold they don't have a lot of fighting power. So, if you charge in their base they won't be able to defend it with miners, and if you take a Ghost Wizard or Demonlord Avatar to the Sun Well, they won't be able to stop it with miners. (I'm referring about the early game when everyone has 5 food). If you don't think it would work I'll make every player get gold per minute. Or maybe even a unit that gives a little gold per minute or something.
    Also, after you decide whether or not I should add gold per minute or a unit that does that I'll release the new version in around half an hour because that's all I have left.
    Oh thanks. After I release the next version today I'll update the main ppst and give you credit. Also, does giving 20 gold when you kill a unit solve the problem with the goldmines? That was already in the map in version 1.
    Oh ok, glad you like it
    You need more heads flying at the end?
    You told me to inform you when there's an update for Unit Wars, well, I just released one with an opening cinematic. Tell me if you don't want to be informed about updates anymore!
    Hello. Nice way of calling u got there. I see u have become more inactive than before. Whats up?
    Thank you for the rep, I been trying to get on as an official map reviewer but I guess I'm not good enough yet.
    Thx.yeah ive been checking people's profile ,getting to know people here you know.... :D
    Find some tagalog lessons on google, It'll help you communicate.
    Nah, I was hooked at Gintama so i used these nose picking gifs. Did I somehow offend you? Sorry if that is the case.
    Sorry for being a douchebag since back then, Can we be friendies again? :3
    Sorry, one last thing. I added this in the main post, but the hotkey for most abilities is Q. W and E are for 2nd and 3rd abilities. I forgot to mention that when I originally posted the map.
    Hello, thank you for the amazing review on my map, Unit War. I hope to read your reply!
    Yes, i'm teacher of history.
    Double post?
    Rare, very rare. Since the last time I comenteded in that post did not upload anything again, maybe i did it and i did not notice, whatever, Thanks for the warning and sorry for my ortography.
    Hey! Don't feel bad about that tut thread of yours, just continue it if you like, it's not against the rules to do so anyway and I bet newbies will appreciate it :D
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