• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Oops. I forgot some parts. I meant Tauren Chieften for Minotaur but the Dreadlord was meant for the Minotaur to attack with his bare claws. Only problem is his face lmao. I guess pegasus and furies will need a modeler for now. But i should find a model for a basilisk to make it look like the Basilisk in Harry Potter: Chamber of Secrets. Thanks for the kind words ^^. Naga Sea Witch can also be turned to Medusa, not sure if it's much.
    Hmm...I'll try to learn more about attaching stuff. About mythic models, skinning an ogre into a cyclop would be cool. But it's probably too simple so you should add in finer details. For basilisk, it's a snake so we're going to need a model that moves like a snake, without weapons of course lol.
    Oh i get it now. Thanks for pointing that out. So, did you get the model? Hope so cuz i really don't know how to add attachments in PM and VM.

    <span style="font-size: 22px">Yummy</span>
    <span style="font-size: 18px">Moose
    MOOSE DOG</span>
    thanks :) !! lol it's good that you haven't given up if you want I can try to add to them some crappy animations :) but not this week cause I will not have my laptop !! for the cursor I'm not sure I'm really a lazy person so "maybe" :p !!
    ps : I'm not that good at pixel art
    no i am not Russian.. I'm Serbian.. we kind-of share the alphabet and speaking. minus this or that letter or verb)
    Yup, coffee shops - don't ask me where the strange name origins from, I have no idea :b

    Well I sure know something about these countries too - my dad is Danish, lives in Sweden and works for Norwegians, but yeah, they are a lot less tolerant about drugs in Sweden and Norway :)

    Eat sheep? Woot? You can do that? o_O
    There is no country that is more northern than Denmark in Europe, except Norway and Sweden. Denmark is a country on Europe's northern coast :b
    But I believe you are talking about Holland/Netherlands, south of here, where it is perfectly legal and a big part of their culture ^^
    Those cafes are called coffee shops, and we also have a few of them in Denmark - not legal ones, tho :b
    Well, I think it was once proved that if you smoke it in a very young age (13-), it'll damage your evolution-progress slightly, possibly causing you to grow up a little less intelligent, but for others it doesn't change anything, except that you'll feel high in some time which might make you act kinda stupid until you're sober again. And the destroying of brain cells is not true - it puts the cells to sleep, which is why you think slowly while stoned - but they wake up afterwards, unlike if you drink alcohol, which kills masses of brain cells anytime you take a zip :b

    Stay away from the drugs if you can, but I don't regret trying it at all, as it only gave me new life experiences ^^

    Yeah, it's illegal in Denmark, but we have this world-famous lovely freetown called Christiania, where lots of lots of cannabis is sold illegally by rockers every day, and though it is illegal, the police can't do shit about it :b
    And yeah, it was recently legalized in two states of America - and I believe and hope that it is the start of a chain reaction, that will in the end make it legal all over the globe :)
    It is expensive indeed, but addicting.. not really. Unlike use of alcohol or nicotine, your body will not get any feeling of need to have cannabis in it - but it can be psychologically addictive though, but then again, so can drinking coca cola and eating hamburgers.
    And your brain truly thinks in new ways than it normally does, but that's what people find great about it :)

    Well, it's always one's own decision how much YOLO one will go, but if I should recommend any drugs for you it would be cannabis, as it's neither dangerous nor addictive compared to most other drugs, and it's a fun and relaxing experience :)

    I'm a nice guy, I guess, I like to make others feel good. Besides, they're funny when they're high :b
    they don't exist xP that is just what i imagined and had to give it some name
    I don't invite them to my house - we have smoker spots for that. Places I built up with cozy environments back when I smoked myself, and neither do I pay for the weed - I'll just organize the event, making sure everybody arrives and have a good time :)
    Why does it make me feel better? Because I myself loved being high on weed the last two years, until I had a depression, which sadly made me unable to feel good while high and instead always depressing me even more. So I don't find any use in smoking it anymore, but I keep in mind how good I felt back in the days - and I always get in a better mood when I see others feel like that, and I am taking this break to get completely out of my depression, so I can rejoin the fun one day in the future :)

    By the way, didn't know you smoked? :b

    EDIT: Wow, my internet sucks a lot - sorry for the tripple posting, deleted the two others ^^
    hehe, i'm the creator of haosis molecule :cgrin: i'm with, alright

    I'm not doing much :p im trying to actually start texturing another naga XP
    Yeah I have the brushes and stuff,

    But I coudnt wish for that amount of money for a program,you see my dad bought it then my sister got it and then well yeah,

    Truly I don't have ANY original programs or games, as my dad dloads them from, weird sites, I don't realy have enough money to buy games since I do not have much patience with money.... Hehehehehe as soon as I get my R100 I go blow it on 250 megs...

    But we support the companies from which we bought the stuff, if we like the games and whatever then we go to BT games and buy it since well.... Yeah
    Ohhh, hehehehe, sorry
    And yes that's what I wanna do when I become a adult I want to be a modeler but its not of my highest interest to models though but I love texturing and drawing, ohhhh and you know that image of the opacity with the 6 dots I have that photoshop but its cracked becuase we bought photoshop( I think CS6 ) but my little sister got the CD and then my dad didn't look forword to pay R1000 again so he got a crack
    Okay in short it said.

    I found a old phototshop on my dads PC, I was interested in warcaft 3, I googled "warcaft 3 worledit tutorials" on my mothers phone( I didn't have a blackberry yet) and I got this site which explained everything in detail, from there I thought I would make your map unique with custom skins, models, icons etx. So I looked at skinning for a start. Ohhh yeah thanks for the help, you don't know how much I appreciate it....
    I found I very old version of photoshop on my dads PC a while ago, and I was very interested in warcaft 3 mapping, I loved making maps, I still do( but I get damn bored when I get to the later stages becuase it seems like I am wasting my time) I was particularly interasted in custom maps, so I got out my moms phone( have you noticed Cilliers) and I googled "Warcaft 3 woredit tutorials" and I got this site that explained everything in extreme deatail and that is when I got into skinning, my dad said I can use photoshop to make "textures" and I told him I don't know how to, and that is were I started.he tought me about animating pictures ( I can remember something about photoshop ready) and he also tuaght me about the clone tool and how to "blend coulours"

    To be continued... My mothers calling me
    Hmmmmm okay, do you know what you call that machine, when you draw on a paper then it like takes a picture, you know they have them in the library sometimes like when they print a paper outta a book, I'm a lot better on drawing on paper I guess as when I draw on the computer it feels like my hand is just so slippery with the mouse. Thanks dude anyway for all the info.
    hehe well it is a problem that we don't know what we want, what we can do or who can do it^^

    I think we need to descide on a genre first, going for a simple genre just because it's easier is not how i'd want it to be, but i'm no programmer so i don't really know what i'm talking about when it comes to how hard it is to make stuff work :p

    I just want to see some sort of progress, seems like the only programmer so far is DSG, i'm guessing we'll need more than 1 programmer :p
    And what other rolls do we have filled?
    Idealists we got plenty of, we got anyone "signed up" to be a modeller, animator, terrainer or spell maker?

    But i guess the idea must be made before we can talk about putting together a cast, different ppl are good at different themes :)
    Thats also a reason i wanted to get the theme suggestions rolling, it might spike the interest of the different artists here, need something to boost their creativity ;)
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