• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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    Oh yeah, is the SGT works properly????
    I didn't test it yet...i will tell u if I already test it...

    I want Inuyasha spells...:D can u make it?
    i dont want to hire another spell maker !!
    I want you!
    cause i love ur spells and you are indonesian....it would be easy to talk to u in malay and u are KIND! :D
    <span style="font-size: 18px"><"=_=">
    Ofel, I'm sick right now :/
    Wait[/COLOR]"]Until[/COLOR]"]You[/COLOR]"]DIE[/COLOR]"]Nope Just Kidding[/COLOR]"]
    Nope :(
    now ireally really lazy and i sick now
    and btw your teacher is choosing you its a good news so your teacher will be appreciate you btw if your teacher know if you say your teacher is choosing you is a bad news , your teacher will kick your ass
    I've got bad news for you....

    I've been chosen by my teacher to compete in a english olimpics....
    So to anyone who need me must wait, maybe I'll be able to help you next week.....

    Thank you....

    Code: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/members/223852-albums5974-picture66514.jpg
    add this to your signature
    i make this by myself
    don't forget to use image tag and table tag
    like this [IMG]
    and ["Table][/Table"]
    (but remove " from the table tag)


    add this to your signature
    i make this by myself
    don't forget to use image tag and table tag
    like this [IMG]
    and ["Table][/Table"]
    (but remove " from the table tag)
    I've already ask the Manager of Arena map!
    They will give us 1 more month to finish the AFA map!
    We can finish it less than 1 month if we do it as hurry as we can!
    everything is going well....no lacking...:D
    By the way,
    I only got 3 chars who didn't finishing with spells....

    Holy spells

    Moon demon spells

    Dark spells

    could you make it?
    haha...ok dude!
    let me test this first...after that,i will give my review and ask u if i need anything from u...:D
    <span style="font-size: 15px">I want it but i have really really busy home work or exam
    and i have exam for one week at 8 march</span>

    <span style="font-size: 15px">And</span>

    <span style="font-size: 15px">Sorry.....</span>

    <span style="font-size: 15px">i will not retired......
    <span style="font-size: 15px">and..........
    <span style="font-size: 18px">stay in this site just for 1 or 2 year.........</span>
    The AFA project will be set up as DOWN if we don't complete the map at the end of this February!
    I want you guys to complete it faster or this project will be executed!
    hard to explain but I will try to make u understand....
    the error is "Wrong ID number"...something like that...why?
    on line 918 i think...T_T
    Ofel, your rapid slash spell got an error with the script.
    I already did as you asked in pastebin that you gv me...
    I also had add variables name "RS_Hashtable" (hashtable) without array
    Why still got error?

    BTW,here the AFA map link...
    Anime Fight Arena v1.0u.w3x
    Yah,sure! But after I put this spells! Can you wait for it? I just need a day! :D
    It is the standard interval for JASS spells, 32 iteration per sec means better calculation. However if you are using GUI you should stick with 0.03.
    Well, Geries taught me that :p It is called Hashtable dynamic indexing. It is awesome and all but still a level below Array dynamic indexing, which is twice as fast.

    Why are you asking? :)
    Spell that u must make!
    Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy)
    Rapid Slash (your spell)

    Dragonball spells (just make any dragonball spells for Goku that u know)

    Dark spells! (just make any dark spells for Ichigo as long as it is dark spells)

    Digimon spells (just make any digimon spells that you know for Wargreymon)

    Thats all! Give feedback if you have any question!
    Atan2(YofTheNextPoint - YOfYourCurrentPoint,XofTheNextPoint - XOfYourCurrentPoint)
    SquareRoot((targetx - sourcex) * (targetx - sourcex) + (targety - sourcey) * (targety - sourcey))
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