• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

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  • The best part is that if someone responds to their leaving, they'll even come back to give their response.
    Prehaps, but I'm inclined to stick with my name for anti-confusion reasons, plus I don't want to have to go modifying all my all spell's maps to change creators names XD
    As I suspected :3 Mm, you should brace yourself for some spellpack that I'll be uploading eventually. I expect you to nitpick at every detail and whine about how there is too much objects to copy over. I've got about 12 abilities for it so far (it'll probably stay at 12).
    It's fine :3 I'd just make it myself if I wanted it. Normally when I make spells from other things, I try to make it as close to the original as possible. That's me though.
    How it is Second???

    and what is an infraction?

    So my other invoker system is deleted?
    Why are you sending me hearts like I'm some sort of bloodthirsty malevolent deity? I'm at the very least a bloodthirsty apathetic deity.
    Using a hashtable you would still have to loop through all the items, and whatever, just as this recipe system does.
    It said rejected..
    Also, it only checks if you have a recipe with the current items in ur inventory.
    If you have 3 items, it will only look for recipe which require 3 items
    You don't understand.... If it deals with permanent items it treats them as perma items. If it deals with charges it treats them as charges.......
    Have you not even tried the system?!
    It works PERFECTLY....
    Just because YOU can't read my code doesn't mean its working exactly the way it should..
    Bro play with the system a bit before you reject it. It's a perfect system. It has NO bugs and the scripting doesn't leak, and it ONLY does cycle through items you have on you.
    Ignorance is NOT an excuse to reject a system.
    haha sure is ;) Everyone seems to go nuts about you being moderator. I really don't see why, you're not that bad :D
    Hi bro :D Please collect me every vjass shit I may use for my quest system, since I am not too familiar with them :> All I am willing to use is Unit type indexing, sounds special effects, hashtables, charset converters, inventories, units, multiboards, dialogs, items, so a bunch of shit. Ofc I will provide own scripts which with the system operate faster but also I make it compatible with other shitz :>
    That's what I was doing. You speed will be capped at around 142 and you will never be able to get to the 200 club ;p.

    Oh yes, I just did 329 wpm typing randomly, soo... 290 is possible ^^.

    I started at 50 wpm today using proper style and after 1 hour of practice I am already at 100.
    My goal atm is an average of 175 wpm. You see, I type incorrectly atm, so my absolute cap is 142 : |. I only use 6 fingers to type, I don't use my pinkies at all. I am training myself right now to type properly so that I can improve my speed a bit ^_-.
    The Roleplay section has been spammed, harassed, and other sites have been recruiting from there, there is barely anything left there. The staff has come to the decision that the few remaining RPers might find a better home some where else.
    So you did agree to this?
    Mmm, no maps that make you go "holy shit, this is cool" are released anymore. I want things with cool physics systems or something like that. Fancy terrain doesn't cut it anymore :( I want moar Elimination Tournament. So using xe in a spell submission will be acceptable?
    What are ye thoughts on xe? I do plan on submitting a spellpack using xe. It's such a... useful library.
    First mistake was done, haha, more people are sooo gonna hate you, don't do that again !
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