• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Okay, I will write that in my next picture. So the other 6 flew to... where?
    Well, this is the first flying city Yogg-Saron is trying to siege. Perhaps you could escape with the rest of them, and then this one gets destroyed.
    Yogg-Saron's army is way bigger than even Trolman's... And dude... It did take months :p
    Oh yea High Dude. He has complex rules but he can't be defeated because well that would kill balance of universe and well probably destroy it.
    Well unless your city has drills and is big as northrend that won't make difference. You know what an Old God is right? Nothing can kill them forever not even titans themselves. And as any self-respecting bad guy he won't come close to you.
    Yea God cares about that or actually anyone. Yogg has something called unlimited number of minions and powers to control other beings. He is god after all.
    The purpose of Northrend was to be isolated in warcraft. But why do you think that Old God of death has no chance?
    You still have Yogg for that and phoenix crusade. Honestly it is crowded there, I really liked when you were main there.
    Precisely why I wanted no wars between him and triumvirate. He won't give up and there will be enough players for triumvirate to keep the fight. This is the ultimate sign of my failure.
    Well actually you aren't still with triumvirate or use tech so he has no reason to fight you. And there are always cowards, Japan said same thing before nukes fell.

    Anyway attacking trolman from back wile he is south would just make him summon his native defenders at that location. But still tactics and strategies play small part in any rp because well you know that plan is good only until the fight starts. Without RP master there are no chances to win until one player gives up.
    If this was realistic thing yes that would possible. Wait are you trying to get me to attack trolman?
    It mighty but hardly. You see player vs player results in op competition. Whole rp I tried to create buffer nation between them such as Kalimdor was supposed to be and Arathor. But Kalimdor was stolen by hippies and Arathor is triumvirate supporter. We have new cold war here.
    No you just reminded him of his true target. As I said it is once again trolman vs triumvirate, power vs order. Naturally more players will join triumvirate wile very few if any joins trolman.
    Why yes of course. Without me there is nobody sane enough to even talk him out of things like that. Soon it will again become Trolman vs Triumvirate because players will again join two teams which will result something I was stopping entire rp. But now that rp has disappointed me for the last time I don't care of the out come and I refuse to take part in it.
    Yogg-Saron only wants chaos. He wants to see all living beings in Northrend dead. He is pure evil, and will try to trick you whenever he gets the chance.
    And he also forgets who the current "ruler" of Northrend is... Yogg-Saron!
    I know. He has even sent an assissin to kill one of us... though that assassin won't stand a chance, since we both are much stronger than him (Khaled).
    Thank god he is inactive otherwise you wounldt save, but you would be destroyed by him!
    About the google account issue: Go here and register with the email address I sent the mail to. Then you will automatically have access to our docs.
    Oh, Archmage-model? Hmmm... I just looked at your old pictures, and saw one of him - he has red teamcolor - I'll use red instead to not change the lore! :)
    Damn, I knew that game would eat your soul and make you a starcroman! :O

    Anyways, Ebe uses grey teamcolored Blood Mage-model, right?
    Hey SW2! Please let me hear your oppinnion of the first chapter in the plot, and help me change it to the better... :)
    The StormWarriors-page needs two things: 1) The text about The Alliance of Lagosh leaving Quaji'd. 2) The text about StormWarriors' actions in the Darkwind War...
    SW2, I need you to clean up your Alliance of Lagosh-page a little...

    In my plot I will use "The Jackals", which are Lagoshians sworn to guard the Nether Gem, which is an artefact able to create portals to Quaji'd. However, in your page it says one place that The Jackals are skilled Warriors, and another place that they are mages... Will you give me permission to edit that and write that they are mages and that they are led by Ebe?
    Okay, will you use any of your DP-charachters in Daily SCV too? Because in my plot I will only take those Lagoshians located in Arathor back to Quaji'd, so you have to take those you want with you to Arathor... :]
    Seriously, you should consult with Al about all the lore and stuff to have smoother begining that woulsdn't clash with other DP lore if you don't want to be ignored and hated again.
    Listen, you should really talk about your lore with Al. We have planned that the DSCV will start from the SAME part of DP when it's got separated from it, no huge time periods like 30000 years. Plus the terrains will start from Warcraft ones, just like that your terrain about suit inventing. And every player will have to think up with a plot how he got all this advanced tech, like Trolman is gonna be lost in time and space because demons will use some kind of weapon his nation...
    Hey SW2!

    You better make a pic of taking some more people to Arathor soon, if you want me to take them to Quaji'd for you :)
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