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The Reckoning - Warcraft 3 Edition


HD Model Reviewer
Level 33
Jun 22, 2013
Original Starcraft 2 mission with the minimap:


Warcraft 3 version of the mission where the futuristic/alien fantasy is replaced with Warcraft/fantasy setting; while most units are changed for appropriation, certain units and characters will have their names retained.


Sarah Kerrigan - the Lich Queen, also known as the Queen of the Dead; commander of the general Scourge and the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow, from Ghouls to Gargoyles to Abominations to Frost Wyrms; to prevent her tech-tree from going bland, the Graveyard gets new upgrades to add fun in the units, and as well as a Sacrificial Pit to sacrifice Acolytes for mana to upgrade Kerrigan's stats and skills

  • Kerrigan is a ranged intelligence hero that the player controls, she starts at level 2 but she should be able to reach level 15 before reaching Mengsk's Fortress. The Sacrificial Pit has upgrades for Kerrigan
    • Arcane Blast - deals damage to a target enemy (scaling with INT)
    • Telekenesis - lifts a target enemy unit, disabling it completely for a few seconds, then lands it down to stun the target again and as well as nearby enemies hit, and deal damage to them (scaling with INT); can be recasted to land early
    • Chain Lightning - basic attacks and Arcane Blasts passively send a chain lightning to the target and nearby enemies, dealing damage equal to INT and reducing their armor for a few seconds; higher levels increase targets and armor reduction

  • Ghoul - basic light infantry that can also harvest lumber
    • Cannibalize - feasts on a corpse to restore health per second, cannot move or act while cannibalizing
    • Ghoul Frenzy - passively increases attack speed and movement speed
    • Leap - leaps on a target enemy and deals basic attack damage, can leap over cliffs
    • Rending Claws - basic attacks deal bonus damage to light and unarmored units
  • Skeletal Marksman - basic light ranged unit
    • Frost Arrows - attacks slow enemy attack speed and movement speed at the cost of mana per attack
    • Ghoul Frenzy - passively increases attack speed and movement speed
  • Gargoyle - agile flying unit that has strong melee attacks against air units and light ranged attacks against ground units
    • Stone Form - transforms into a stone, becoming a ground unit with high armor, high magic resistance, high health regeneration and with resistant skin; can be recast to transform back into a flying unit
    • Gargoyle Visage - Stone Form now stuns nearby enemy ground units on impact
  • Necromancer - offensive support spellcaster
    • Raise Skeleton - raises a Skeleton Warrior from a corpse that lasts for many seconds
    • Unholy Frenzy - increases a target unit's attack speed and movement speed for many seconds but loses health per second
    • Cripple - greatly reduces a target enemy's attack damage, attack speed, and movement speed for a few seconds
    • Skeletal Longevity - increases Raise Skeleton duration, and increases Skeleton Warrior's health, armor, and magic resistance; also affects Zagara's skeletons and Kerrigan's Apocalypse skeletons
    • Skeletal Mastery- decreases Raise Skeleton mana cost and cooldown, and increases Skeleton Warrior's attack damage and movement speed; also affects Zagara's skeletons
  • Banshee - auxiliary support spellcaster
    • Curse - target enemy gets a chance to miss attacks for a few seconds
    • Anti-Magic Shield - target ally gets a magic damage barrier for a few seconds
    • Possession - permanently controls a target enemy
    • Banshee Mastery - Banshees, Grave Lords, and Kerrigan gain bonus mana regeneration
    • Aphotic Shield - changes Anti-Magic Shield into an all-damage barrier, and causes it to deal damage to nearby enemies based on damage absorbed upon expiration
  • Grave Lord - agile stealth melee unit that is good for scouting
    • Permanent Invisibility - becomes invisible when not attacking or casting spells
    • Stasis - fully disables and dooms a target for a few seconds but also causes it to be invulnerable and hidden for the duration
    • Leap - leaps on a target enemy and deals basic attack damage, can leap over cliffs
    • Banshee Mastery - Banshees, Grave Lords, and Kerrigan gain bonus mana regeneration
    • Longer Scythes - passively gains bonus attack range
    • Greater Invisibility - retains invisibility even when attacking or casting spells
  • Meat Wagon - long range siege mechanical unit that can provide corpses for the Necromancer
    • Load Corpse - loads a corpse for later use
    • Drop Corpse - drops a corpse to be used
    • Disease Cloud - basic attacks leave a disease cloud that deals damage to enemies who contact on it for many seconds, also affects Zombie Copters
    • Exhume Corpses - passively gains a corpse every few seconds
    • Drop Ghouls - basic attacks can grab and consume a nearby Ghoul to be launched at the target, dealing bonus damage but the ghoul takes half of current health on impact
  • Abomination - heavy melee unit
    • Cannibalize - feasts on a corpse to restore health per second, cannot move or act while cannibalizing
    • Disease Cloud - passively emits a disease cloud that deals damage to enemies who contact on it for many seconds; also passively leaves a disease cloud on death
  • Flesh Flyer - heavy long ranged flying unit that is good for sieging
    • Dread Worm Larvae - basic attacks spawn two small Dread Worms on a target for a few seconds at the cost of health per attack
    • Plague-dog Storage - passively spawns a Plague-Dog when a Flesh Flyer dies; Plague-dogs are very agile melee units with stats comparable to Ghouls
      • Cannibalize - feasts on a corpse to restore health per second, cannot move or act while cannibalizing
      • Ghoul Frenzy - passively increases attack speed and movement speed
      • Leap - leaps on a target enemy and deals basic attack damage, can leap over cliffs
    • Arcane Flesh Bonding - passively increases health regeneration and reduces Dread Worm Larvae health cost
    • Disease Cloud - passively leaves a disease cloud on death that deals damage to enemies who contact on it for many seconds
  • Frost Wyrm - heavy ranged flying unit that is good for sieging and for teamfights
    • Frost Attack - basic attacks deal bonus magic damage to enemies in a medium area near the target and slows their movement speed for a few seconds
    • Freezing Breath - basic attacks freezes structures and mechanical units for a few seconds
    • Frost Nova - passively deals magic damage to nearby enemies and greatly slows their attack and movement speed whenever a Frost Wyrm dies

  • Bonus Sacrificial Pit upgrades:
    • Infest Dread Worms - Arcane Blast leaves a parasite debuff on the target that causes it to spawn two Dread Worms on death
    • Shadow Lightning - Chain Lightning now hits undead allies to heal them for the same amount as the damage
    • Arcane Dissipating Blight - all allies have increased mana regeneration while standing on blight
    • Heroic Fortitude - Kerrigan gains bonus strength and health regeneration, repeatable 2 more times
    • Arcanopulse - Kerrigan's abilities passively restore 10 mana to nearby allies, does not affect Kerrigan
    • Siphon Life - Kerrigan passively restores 35 health when a nearby enemy dies
    • Death Coil - Increase INT scaling of Arcane Blast, and it now heals Kerrigan for half of the damage dealt
    • Fury - Kerrigan's basic attacks adds a stack where each additively adds bonus attack speed
  • Bonus Sacrificial Pit purchasable ultimate abilities:
    • Apocalypse - channels for a few seconds to deal damage (scaling with INT and level) to all enemies in a target area, and summons a Skeleton Warrior for each enemy ground or a Skeletal Archer for each enemy air unit that last for a few seconds.
    • Summon Leviathan - summons Leviathan from the main base that lasts for a few minutes; Leviathan is a powerful flying zombie dragon matriarch
      • Frost Attack - basic attacks deal bonus magic damage to enemies in a medium area near the target and slows their movement speed for a few seconds
      • Freezing Ray - deals magic damage and freezes enemies hit for a few seconds
      • Death Pact - sacrifices a target allied undead unit to heal the caster based on the target's current health
      • Freezing Breath - basic attacks freezes structures and mechanical units for a few seconds
      • Frost Nova - passively deals magic damage to nearby enemies and greatly slows their attack and movement speed whenever a Frost Wyrm dies
      • Resistant Skin - passively becomes immune to certain powerful spells
    • Animate Dead - raises 15 corpses (prioritizing higher levels) into special zombies that retain the original units' basic stats, but they have no mana nor spells, and they have Disease Cloud and Ghoul Frenzy abilities; animated corpses last for many seconds
    • Sacrificial Pit's ultimate abilities require lots of mana and they are one-time use only, whereas they have a long cooldown to be purchased again for Kerrigan to use

Zagara - the Prime Death Knight, also known as the Skeleton Matriarch; leads waves of fragile, yet numerous skeletons

  • Zagara is a melee intelligencehero that will join the initial attack wave, then will teleport to safety when he reaches critical health and very seldom joins the subsequent attack waves
    • Death Grip - deals magic damage (scaling with INT) to a target enemy unit and if it doesn't have Resistant Skin: Death Grip will pull the target towards the caster
    • Death Pact - sacrifices a target allied undead unit to heal the caster based on the target's current health
    • Mass Frenzy - nearby allies gain bonus attack speed and movement speed for a few seconds
    • Death and Decay - deals magic damage to enemies in a target area based on their max health per second

  • Dark Minion - light melee unit
  • Skeleton Archer - light ranged unit
  • Burning Archer - medium ranged units whose attacks burn enemies for a few seconds
    • Searing Arrows, basic attacks deal bonus magic damage to enemies and causes them to burn for a few seconds at the cost of mana per attack
  • Giant Skeleton Warrior - heavy ranged unit with powerful crushing strikes
    • Heavy Hammer - basic attacks deal bonus damage to heavy and fortified armor
    • Concussive Blows - basic attacks slow enemies attack and movement speed for a few seconds
  • Skeleton Mage - light ranged magical unit
    • Corruption - basic attacks reduces enemy armor for a few seconds
    • Hate Spike - passively deals damage to the nearest enemy on death
  • Skeletal Wind Rider - medium flying ranged unit
    • Impaling Spears - basic attacks deal bonus damage to light and unarmored units

Alexei Stukov - the Forsaken General; leads waves of zombie versions of typical human units

  • Stukov is a melee strengthhero that will join the initial attack wave, then will teleport to safety when he reaches critical health and very seldom joins the subsequent attack waves
    • Deathly Pustules - deals magic damage (scaling with INT) to enemies in a target area, and adds an extra damage (scaling with INT and level) when the effect expires or gets dispelled
    • Infest Dread Worms - fully disables a target enemy structure for a few seconds and causes it to spawn a Dread Worm every half second
    • Flailing Swipe - deals damage (scaling with STR) to enemies and structures in a wide arc
    • Summon Aleksandr - summons Aleksandr, a massive flying ranged undead airship
      • Death Flares - passively sends unholy bots to nearby enemy units
      • Zombie Cannonballs - attacks spawn a Zombie to the target that lasts for a few seconds
      • Resistant Skin - passively becomes immune to certain powerful spells
      • Crash Landing - passively deals damage to nearby ground units and structures on death and spawns 8 Zombies that last for a few seconds

  • Zombie - light melee infantry
  • Zombie Footman - medium melee infantry
    • Defend - toggle to reduce incoming ranged damage and have a chance to deflect them back to the attackers but reduces movement speed while active
  • Zombie Archer - light ranged unit
  • Zombie Knight - agile heavy melee unit
    • Sundering Blades - basic attacks deal bonus damage to enemies with medium armor
  • Zombie Priest - defensive supportive ranged caster
    • Heal - restores health to a target ally per second
    • Spirit Link - distribute damage taken by allies hit
  • Zombie Mage - offensive range caster
    • Slow - slows a target's attack and movement speed for a few seconds
    • Ray of Disruption - hits targets in a bouncing wave that removes buffs and debuffs, while also damaging enemy summoned units
  • Zombie Copter - light flying ranged unit
    • Flak Cannon - basic attacks deal damage to nearby enemy air units from the target
    • Gyrocopter Bombs - basic attacks deal bonus damage to enemy structures and mechanical ground units
    • Disease Cloud - basic attacks leave a disease cloud that deals damage to enemies who contact on it for many seconds

Dehaka - the Fallen Nerubian King; leads waves of undead Nerubian soldiers and Tol'vir constructs

  • Dehaka is a melee strengthhero that will join the initial attack wave, then will teleport to safety when he reaches critical health and very seldom joins the subsequent attack waves
    • Devour - instantly kills a target enemy ground unit, restores health (scaling with STR), and summons a Carrion Beetle
    • Spiked Carapace - passively gains bonus armor and health regeneration, and also reflects incoming damage within melee range
    • Summon Carrion Beetles - summons 5 Carrion Beetles that last for a few seconds
    • Locust Swarm - summons locusts that attack nearby enemy units, dealing damage to them (scaling with STR and level) before returning to the Dehaka and healing him (scaling with INT)

  • Crypt Warrior - medium melee unit that carries Dread Worms into battle
    • Spawn Dread Worms - passively spawns Dread Worms on death
  • Crypt Fiend - medium ranged unit
    • Web - roots a target enemy flying unit and forces it to the be as if it is a ground unit for a few seconds
  • Crypt Seer - auxiliary supportive caster
    • Devour Magic - removes all buffs and debuffs on a target area, deals damage to enemy summoned units, and restores health and mana per removed buff and debuff, and damaged summoned unit
    • Mana Shield - toggle to reduce damage taken at the cost of mana per reduced damage
  • Crypt Flyer - agile flying ranged unit
    • Envenomed Weapons - basic attacks poison the target for a few seconds
  • Tol'vir Statue - heavy ranged mechanical support caster
    • Essence of Blight - restores health to nearby allies
    • Spirit Touch - restores mana to nearby allies
  • Tol'vir Destroyer - medium ranged flying caster
    • Siphon Mana - channel to steal mana from a target for a few seconds
    • Orb of Annihilation - basic attacks deal bonus magic damage and causes it to do area damage at the cost of mana per attack

James Raynor - the Renegade Commander; has a base of the landed Hyperion gunship in which Kerrigan must also defend from the Dominion's forces; leads strike forces of typical human and dwarven units

Raynor is a melee strength hero that will seldom join his attack waves; when he reaches critical health, he teleports away back to Hyperion to regenerate
  • Holy Light - deals magic damage (scaling with INT) to a target enemy undead unit or heals a target (scaling with INT) allied living unit
  • Thunder Clap - deals magic damage (scaling with STR and INT) to nearby enemy ground units and slows their attack and movement speed for a few seconds
  • Command Aura - passively increases attack damage of nearby allied units
  • Call Dusk Wings - deals damage to all enemies in a target area (scaling with level) and spawns two Dusk Wings - agile ranged flying units
    • Flak Cannon - basic attacks deal damage to nearby enemy air units from the target
    • Gyrocopter Bombs - basic attack deal bonus damage to enemy structures and mechanical ground units
    • Shockwave Bomb Payload - basic attacks against ground units leave a strafe of bombs on a line behind the target
    • Ignite Afterburners - increases the caster's attack and movement speed for a few seconds

  • Footman - medium melee infantry
    • Defend - toggle to reduce incoming ranged damage and have a chance to deflect them back to the attackers but reduces movement speed while active
    • Parry - has a chance to dodge incoming attacks
  • Dwarven Rifleman - medium ranged unit
  • Knight - agile heavy melee unit
    • Sundering Blades - basic attacks deal bonus damage to enemies with medium armor
  • Priest - supportive caster
    • Heal - heals a target ally for a few seconds
    • Inner Fire - increases a target unit's attack damage and armor for a few seconds
  • Sorcerer- offensive caster
    • Lightning Shield - engulfs a target ally with lightning orbs that deal magic damage to nearby enemies
    • Polymorph - transforms a target into a critter and dooms it for a few seconds, enemies with Resistant Skin only get silenced
  • Dwarven Rune Mage - auxiliary support caster
    • Invisibility - caster and the target becomes invisible for a few seconds and start regenerating health and mana; invisibility and regeneration are broken on attacking or casting spells
    • Ancestor Spirit - resurrects a nearby Dwarf corpse
  • Gryphon Rider - medium ranged flying unit
    • Storm Hammers - basic attacks deal bonus magic damage to the target and its nearby enemies
  • Gyrocopter - light flying ranged unit
    • Flak Cannon - basic attacks deal damage to nearby enemy air units from the target
    • Gyrocopter Bombs - basic attacks deal bonus damage to enemy structures and mechanical ground units
    • Shockwave Bomb Payload - basic attacks against ground units leave a strafe of bombs on a line behind the target

Arcturus Mengsk - the Emperor of the Dominion, the Grand Highlord of the Scarlet Crusade, and the main antagonist; the entire map is heavily fortified with his troops and his Royal Guards - unlike in Starcraft 2, Mengsk will occasionally join the enemy attack waves whereas instead of dying, he gets invulnerable instead and teleports out to recover.

  • Mengsk is a strength hero that will often join attack waves accompanied by Royal Guards, and will teleport to safety when he reaches critical health and very seldom joins the subsequent attack waves
    • Holy Nova - deals damage to enemy undead units or heals allied living units in a target area, scales with INT
    • Smite - instantly kills a target non-hero undead enemy unit without Resistant Skin, else deals damage (scaling with INT and STR) and slows the target for a few seconds
    • Devotion Aura - passively increases nearby allied units' armor and health regeneration
    • Contaminated Strikes - deals damage to enemy units in a target area and poisons them for a few seconds; damage and area decrease as more Earth Splitter Ordinances are destroyed, and it becomes unavailable when all of them are destroyed
    • Dogs of War - summons many enthralled Demonic units for many seconds
      • Enthralled Hell Hounds are agile melee units that reduce enemy mana on attack
        • Feedback - basic attacks reduce enemies' mana and deals bonus damage equal to the mana burned
      • Enthralled Hell Lurkers are agile heavy melee units that reduce enemy mana on attack
        • Feedback - basic attacks reduce enemies' mana and deals bonus damage equal to the mana burned
        • Gouging Tusks - basic attacks deal bonus damage to unarmored enemies or enemies with light armor
      • Enthralled Demon Brutes are heavy melee units that are good at teamfights
        • Cleaving Attack - basic attacks deal damage to the target's nearby ground allies
      • Enthralled Succubus are agile melee units that weaken nearby enemies
        • Seducing Aura - nearby enemies have reduced attack speed and attack damage
        • Life Drain - channel to drain health from a target enemy per second for a few seconds
      • Enthralled Doomlords are heavy melee units that can withstand lots of attacks
        • Hardened Skin - passively reduces basic attack damage taken
        • Resistant Skin - passively becomes immune to certain powerful spells
    • Nuclear Annihilation - instantly kills all non-hero enemy units without Resistant Skin in multiple random areas; else, deals damage (scaling on level); damage, frequency, and area decrease as more Earth Splitter Ordinances are destroyed, and it becomes unavailable when all of them are destroyed

  • Dominion Militia - agile light basic melee unit
    • Pick Up Weapon - passively picks up dropped weapons left by other Dominion Militias to be able to use them
    • Defend - toggle to reduce incoming ranged damage and have a chance to deflect them back to the attackers but reduces movement speed while active
  • Dominion Flamberge Militia - agile melee unit that is effective on grouped enemies
    • Searing Blade - attacks passively deal bonus magic damage to the target and its nearby allied ground units
    • Parry - toggle to reduce incoming ranged damage but reduces movement speed while active
  • Dominion Siegebreaker Militia - agile heavy melee unit that can withstand lots of damage
    • Demolish - attacks deal bonus damage to structures
    • Defend - toggle to reduce incoming ranged damage and have a chance to deflect them back to the attackers but reduces movement speed while active
  • Dominion Gunblade Miltia - agile melee unit
    • Gunblade - passively attacks a nearby enemy every few seconds
    • Defend - toggle to reduce incoming ranged damage and have a chance to deflect them back to the attackers but reduces movement speed while active
  • Dominion Inquisitor - defensive support caster
    • Heal - heals a target per second
    • Dispel Magic - removes all buffs from enemies and debuffs from allies in target area, while dealing damage to enemy summoned units and removing blight
    • Cripple - greatly reduces a target enemy's attack damage, attack speed, and movement speed for a few seconds
  • Dominion Warhound - heavy ranged mechanical unit
    • Haywire Arcano-missiles - basic attacks passively release a salvo of arcane bolts that seek out nearby enemies
  • Imperial Intercessor - flying ranged supportive caster
    • Healing Wave - heals allied units in a bounce
    • Cloud - summons a cloud for a few seconds that prevents enemies on contact from attacking
    • Scatter Veil - passively gains an all-damage shield that restores itself after a few seconds out of combat
  • Imperial Witness - flying ranged mechanical caster airship
    • Indoctrinating Fury - increases a target's attack and movement speed for a few seconds
    • True Sight - reveals nearby invisible units
    • Gyrocopter Bombs - basic attacks deal bonus damage to enemy structures and mechanical ground units
    • Patriot Mode - becomes stationary to gain the Propagation Aura ability that further increases nearby allies' attack speed and movement speed but loses the ability to attack; can still have the Indoctrinating Fury and True Sight abilities while in Patriot mode; can be recast to be able to attack and move again
  • Aegis Guard - heavy melee Royal Guard that can withstand lots of damage
    • Aegis Barrier - passively gains an all-damage shield that deals damage to nearby ground units when it expires; also restores itself after a few seconds out of combat
    • Incapacitating Blows - basic attacks deal bonus magic damage to enemy ground units in a small area near the target and slows their attack and movement speed for a few seconds
    • Bio-arcane Stimpacks - increases attack and movement speed for a few seconds
    • Resistant Skin - passively becomes immune to certain powerful spells
  • Emperor's Shadow - agile offensive Royal Guard caster
    • Permanent Invisibility - becomes invisible when not attacking or casting spells
    • Labyrinth Cloak - passively gains a stack of that blocks an instance of damage taken, restores stacks after a few seconds out of combat
    • Pyro-arcanic Immolation - deals damage to enemies in a small target area and burns them for a few seconds; deals half damage to enemy structures
    • Electro-arcanic Pulse - deals damage to enemies in a target area and drains some of their mana
    • Tactical Ordinance Strike - channel for a few seconds to direct an Earth Splitter Ordinance to strike a target area and deal damage to enemies; becomes unavailable when all of them are destroyed
    • Resistant Skin - passively becomes immune to certain powerful spells
  • Shock Divison - heavy ranged mechanical siege Royal Guard
    • Shock and Awe - basic attacks deal bonus damage to enemy ground units in a medium area near the target and ministuns them
    • Barrage Armaments - gains the ability to attack air units, attacks against air units release a salvo of rocket flares that seek out nearby enemy air units
    • Resistant Skin - passively becomes immune to certain powerful spells
  • Blackhammer - heavy ranged mechanical Royal Guard
    • Overwatch Salvo - passively sends a salvo of rockets to nearby enemy units, prioritizing enemy air units
    • 330mm Hammer - basic attacks deal bonus damage to enemies with fortified and heavy armor
    • Resistant Skin - passively becomes immune to certain powerful spells
  • Odin - heavy ranged mechanical boss Royal Guard
    • Aegis Barrier - passively gains an all-damage shield that deals damage to nearby ground units when it expires; also restores itself after a few seconds out of combat
    • Overwatch Salvo - passively sends a salvo of rockets to nearby enemy units, prioritizing enemy air units
    • 330mm Hammer - basic attacks deal bonus damage to enemies with fortified and heavy armor
    • Barrage - channel to deal huge damage to enemies in a target area
    • Resistant Skin - passively becomes immune to certain powerful spells
  • Sky Fury (air) - agile flying mechanical Royal Guard
    • Ripwave Missiles - basic attacks deal damage to nearby enemy air units from the target
    • Gyrocopter Bombs - basic attack deal bonus damage to enemy structures and mechanical ground units
    • Evasive Maneuevers - has a chance to dodge incoming attacks
    • Assault Mode - transforms into a ground unit and gains a new set of skills
    • Tactical Realignment - passively gains bonus attack damage for a few seconds after transforming
  • Sky Fury (ground) - heavy ranged mechanical Royal Guard
    • Phoenix Protocol - passively gains a bonus all-damage shield when health reaches 25% and transforms into Fighter Mode
    • Fighter Mode - transforms into a air unit and gains a new set of skills
    • Tactical Realignment - passively gains bonus attack damage for a few seconds after transforming
  • Pride of Augustgrad - heavy ranged flying mechanical Royal Guard gunship
    • Haywire Arcano-missiles - basic attacks passively release a salvo of arcane bolts that seek out nearby enemies
    • Yamato Cannon - channel for a few seconds to deal damage to enemies in a target area
    • Ignite Afterburners - increases the caster's attack and movement speed for a few seconds


Izsha - Arch-necromancer of the Ashen Verdict, and Kerrigan's second-in-commnand

Matthew Horner - Fleet Admiral of the Rebel Raiders' airship armada, and Raynor's second-in-command

Valerian Mengsk - Rebel Prince of the Dominion, only appears in the first cutscene

Rory Swann - Chief Engineer of the Rebel Raiders; one of the Dwarves


The Dominion's demon lab has been destroyed, and Narud defeated. The time has come for Kerrigan to begin the final assault on Korhal itself...

*Kerrigan, Horner, Swann, and Valerian Mengsk are huddled together by a table in the outskirts of Augustgrad; Dehaka, Stukov, Zagara, and some other Death Knights flank Kerrigan - while Raynor and his Raiders and some civilians watch over them*

Izsha: The fortifications at the outskirts has been shattered. Your Scourge is poised to move. Only the palace defenses remain.
Horner: The northeast sector is clear.
Valerian: We're behind the eastern corridor
Kerrigan: It's time, Valerian.
Valerian: The evacuation is still under way.
Kerrigan: I can't afford to hold back any longer.
Valerian: Promise me, you'll avoid the civilian center.
Kerrigan: I can't do that. Arcturus would see that pattern in my movements and use it against me.
Valerian: Then millions will die.

*Kerrigan glances over Raynor having a stern look at her*

Kerrigan: Alright, just stay out of my way, and I'll do what I can.

Main Quest:

  • Destroy all Dominion forces guarding Mengsk's palace
  • The Hyperion must survive

Arcturus: You never should have gone back to Korhal. You are surrounded by the Dominion's elite.
Kerrigan: And yet they still won't be enough to save you. How many bodies will you hide behind?
Arcturus: I've had enough of your tongue. Men, wipe them out!

*After Kerrigan destroys some of the Dominon's structures.*

Kerrigan: Your defenses could use some work, Arcturus.
Arcturus: You'll pay for that.
Kerrigan: I sense... No, it can't be.

Cutscene: *The Hyperion descends upon a Dominion base and opens fire.*
  • Izsha: My queen, a giant human gunship is inbound on your location.
  • Kerrigan: There's something familiar about this - Jim?
  • Raynor: Let's finish the job.
  • Kerrigan: I didn't think you would come back...
  • Raynor: We're both tied up in whatever happen here today. We do it together.

  • *The Hyperion destroys the Dominion base and Raynor's Raiders start setting up their own base. Rory Swann will stay behind to guard the base and oversee the repairs on the Hyperion*

  • Kerrigan: Jim. Thank you.
  • Raynor: Thank me later. It's time you put your war face on.

  • *Cutscene ends*

Kerrigan: Jim, weren't you supposed to evacuating civilians?
Raynor: Valerian and Horner got that handled. I had other things to do.
Kerrigan: Alright, keep that left flank clear while I go put a hurt on Mengsk.

*If the Hyperion is attacked:*
  • Raynor: Taking fire! They're focusing on us!
  • Kerrigan: Hold on, Jim! I'm coming!
*If Kerrigan dies:*
  • Izsha: Acolytes and Necromancers, restore her body, quickly!
  • Arcturus: Strike now, before she returns!
*Arcturus joins an attack wave for the first time*
  • Mengsk: Raynor and Kerrigan. A criminal and a mass murderer. How perfect.
  • Mengsk: You murdered General Warfield. You've murdered thousands of people, Kerrigan!
  • Mengsk: Remember our history, Kerrigan? How I saved you from the Confederacy? How I freed your mind?
  • Mengsk: And I've regretted it ever since. I should have let you rot away as a disgraced Confederate mage.
*Whenever Arcturus personally reaches Raynor's base for the first time*
  • Arcturus: I will not let you destroy humanity's only chance of salvation!
*After 7 minutes*
  • Zagara: Your Scourge is assaulting terran forces in three entrenched positions. If you can attack these positions from behind and destroy them, we will join the slaughter!

Optional Quest:

  • Destroy the fortified base in the Northwest
  • Destroy the fortified base in the Southeast
  • Destroy the fortified base in the East
*Whenever Raynor sends an attack wave:*
  • Raynor: We're getting ready to attack the Dominion. Be ready shortly.
  • Raynor: We're almost ready to attack the Dominion. Moving out soon!
*After the eastern base is destroyed:*
  • Kerrigan: The avenue is clear of defenders. Dehaka, send your Nerubians into the city.
  • Dehaka: Yes. We will feast upon their essence!
*After the southeast base is destroyed:*
  • Kerrigan: The way is clear, Zagara. Move your troops into the sector.
  • Zagara: With pleasure, my queen.
*After the northeastern base is destroyed:*
  • Kerrigan: Stukov, your path is clear.
  • Stukov: Understood. Let's finish this.
*After 10 minutes*
  • Arcturus: Sky Fury Squadron! Destroy the Hyperion!

  • *Arcturus joins an attack wave with 8 Sky Furies*

  • Raynor: Pretty big fleet coming this way. Could use some help taking these guys down.
*After 15 minutes*
  • Arcturus: Let there be no retribution!

  • *Arcturus calls for a Nuclear Annihilation*

  • Raynor: Dammit! Our forces are taking too much!
  • Horner: Sarah, our scouts report Dominion's special artillery batteries that may be responsible for the Dominion's powerful strikes
  • Kerrigan: Then we must destroy them all to prevent Mengsk from using them
*Whenever Arcturus calls down a Nuclear Annihilation*
  • Arcturus: Fire missiles! Fire again! Fire them all!
  • Arcturus: Obliterate them.
  • Arcturus: Pummel them until nothing remains!
*After 20 minutes*
  • Arcturus: Alpha Squadron! Destroy that damnable ship!

  • *Arcturus joins an attack wave with 3 Prides of Augustgrad*

  • Raynor: Gunships inbound! Might need your help on this one, Sarah.
*After 30 minutes*
  • Arcturus: Remember this, Raynor? It was nice of your criminal partner to leave it here for me.

  • *Arcturus joins an very large attack wave with the Odin*

  • Raynor: Ah, crap. I'd recognize that signature anywhere. He sent out the Odin! Sarah, keep going! You've got to finish this! Go on without me.
  • Kerrigan: Like hell I will! Hold on, Jim, I'm coming!
*After the Odin is destroyed*
  • Raynor: We did it! The Odin's down for the count.
  • Kerrigan: How are you holding up?
  • Raynor: Don't you worry about us. We're still in this.
*When an allied unit personally reaches the main palace grounds for the first time*
  • Kerrigan: Do you feel it Arcturus? The Scourge floods your precious kingdom.
  • Mengsk: I have rebuilt this empire from the ashes of the Confederacy.
  • Mengsk: You will die here Kerrigan. I promise you that.
  • Kerrigan: How quickly you seem to forget, emperor.
  • Kerrigan: I let you have this planet. And I can take it away.
  • Arcturus: The Dominion of Man is stronger than you. We will see your ashes spread to the wind.
  • Arcturus: Men, stop the Queen of Blades. For humanity!

Cutscene: *After all enemy forces in the palace grounds are destroyed, the Hyperion launches a powerful blast at the main door*
  • *Different Scourge and Raider units await at outside the palace, Kerrigan is standing at the front center while Raynor, Zagara, and Stukov flank behind her. Dehaka is seen feasting on a dead Aegis Guard*

  • Kerrigan: Zagara, take command. I have an appointment with the emperor.
  • Zagara: Long live the queen.
Cutscene: *Kerrigan obliterates the Royal Guards inside the Palace and breaks towards Mengsk's throne room*
  • Arcturus: Hello Kerrigan. I've been waiting for you.
  • Kerrigan: I'm surprised you haven't tried to escape.
  • Arcturus: Escape? (Chuckles) My dear, I'm afraid you've got it all wrong.

  • *Arcturus raises his staff, The Xel'Naga device rises from the floor and it quickly blasts Kerrigan with a powerful holy nova, then it shackles her down*

  • Arcturus: Really? Did you think I'd keep an animal like you close to me without some kind of insurance policy?

  • *Arcturus raises his staff again, the Xel'Naga device blasts another holy nova*

  • Arcturus: Clearly, you are my greatest failure.
  • Arcturus: Now, at long last...
  • Arcturus: You will die...

  • *But just before Arcturus raises his staff for the third time - Raynor and a Dwarven Rune Mage fade out of invisibility and Raynor strikes Arcturus with his hammer, preventing Arcturus from using the Xel'Naga device*

  • Raynor: Change of plans

  • *Raynor strikes Arcturus again with his hammer, and the Dwarven Rune Mage channels to get the Xel'Naga artifact to bury it down; Kerrigan rises up and shackles Arcturus back, Banshee spirits begins appearing inside the room and they wander around*

  • Kerrigan: You can never suffer enough for all the lives you've ruined, Arcturus.
  • Arcturus: I made you into a monster, Kerrigan.
  • Kerrigan: You made us all into monsters.

  • *Raynor casts a protective barrier to protect him and the Dwarven Rune Mage, Kerrigan starts channeling a greater shackle to Arcturus, the Banshee spirits move faster before attacking Arcturus; then finally, Kerrigan releases a powerful dark nova in the room*

  • *Raynor, Kerrigan, and the Dwarven Rune Mage walk outside the palace with Kerrigan standing triumphant in front of the Scourge, Raiders, and the surrendering Dominion Troopers rounded up by Horner and Stukov; Kerrigan looks at Raynor*

  • Kerrigan: Thank you, Jim...
  • Kerrigan: ...for everything.

  • *Floating Necropolises begin to fly across, and Kerrigan casts a dark teleport to one of them*

  • Raynor: My pleasure, darlin'.
  • Raynor: Always was.

  • *Kerrigan appears outside a Dimensional Portal in a different planet*

  • Kerrigan: I now see my true enemy. He waits for me in the void, wielding powers I cannot imagine... I go to face him having renounced everything. My humanity, my identity. The man I love. But I will not face this enemy alone. I am the Scourge.

Possible extra stuff to be added to expand the chapter


*After 6 minutes*
  • Valerian: Kerrigan, the evacuation of Korhal is nearly complete.
  • Horner: Sarah, my scouts report Dominion troops heading into the civilian centers
  • Kerrigan: Mengsk will use the civilians against us, do not let the Dominion Troops take over them!

Optional Quest:​

  • Hold out until all civilians have been evacuated (20 minutes)
  • Do not let a total of 20 Dominion Troops stay in each civilian center
*After all civilians are evacuated*
  • Valerian: We've done it. The evacuation is successful! Kerrigan, you can't imagine how many lives you've saved.
  • Kerrigan: Thank me later, Valerian. There is business to attend to.
  • Kerrigan: Now we can finally focus on our main goal


Mira Han - Leader of the Deadman Marauders, and wife of Matthew Horner; failed sorcerer who can cast only very basic magic spells

  • Mira is a melee intelligencehero
    • Pocket Factory - summons a light building that periodically spawns Clockwork Goblins that last for a few seconds; the Pocket Factory lasts for many seconds
      • Clockwork Goblins are very light melee mechanical units that explode on death
        • Kaboom! - sacrifices self to deal damage to nearby enemies; automatically gets casted when the caster dies
    • Breathe of Fire - deals damage to enemy unit and structures in a target cone and burns enemy unit hit for a few seconds
    • Brilliance Aura - increases mana regeneration of nearby allies
    • Air Station Relocation - sends an old depreciated gunship to crash down on a target area, dealing huge damage to all units and structures hit; the gunship explodes again after a few seconds, dealing extra damage to nearby enemy units

  • Rogue - agile melee saboteur unit
    • Permanent Invisibility - becomes invisible when not attacking or casting spells
    • Sundering Blades - basic attacks deal bonus damage to enemies with medium armor
    • Land Mine - plants a land mine that detonates on contact with an enemy unit or structure, dealing damage to nearby enemies
  • Goblin Saboteur - agile ranged siege unit
    • Demolish - basic attacks deal more damage to enemy structures or mechanical units
    • Liquid Fire - basic attacks burn enemy structures and mechanical units for a few seconds while also reducing their armor and attack speed for the duration
    • Kaboom! - sacrifices self to deal damage to nearby enemies; automatically gets casted when the caster dies
  • Rogue Wizard - agile offensive caster
    • Spell Steal - steals a buff from an enemy target and transfers it to a nearby ally or takes a debuff from an ally target and transfers it to a nearby enemy
    • Mana Burn - deals damage to target enemy and steals some of its mana
  • Ogre Magi - heavy melee support caster
    • Entangling Roots - target gets rooted for a few seconds while taking damage per second for the duration
    • Bloodlust - increases a target's attack speed and movement speed for a few seconds
  • Ogre Mauler - heavy melee unit capable of one-on-one combat
    • Bash - basic attacks have a chance to deal more damage and stun the enemy for a few seconds
    • Concussive Blows - basic attacks slow enemies attack and movement speed for a few seconds
  • Dwarven Mortar Team - agile ranged siege unit
    • Fragmentation Shards - basic attacks deal more damage to unarmored enemies or enemies with medium armor
  • Goblin Corsair - agile flying ranged siege unit
    • Liquid Fire - basic attacks burn enemy structures and mechanical units for a few seconds while also reducing their armor and attack speed for the duration
    • Unstable Concoction - sacrifices self to deal huge damage to target enemy unit, and light damage to its nearby allies on the same elevation; automatically gets casted when the caster dies to deal light damage to nearby enemy air units
    • Sentry Ward - leaves a ward that grants vision on its nearby surroundings and reveals nearby invisible units; lasts for many minutes

*After a certain Dominion base or when the Civilian Evacuation quest is completed*
  • Izsha: My Queen, an strange unidentified fleet of airships and gunships are coming at your direction. They don't seem to be from the Dominion, but-
  • Han: I hear you needed a mercenary, eh?
  • Kerrigan: And who you might be?
  • Han: Name's Mira Han - I lead the notorious rag-tag mercenary group that you fought long ago when you were still a young mage, but that's in the past now; Matthew Horner is also my husband. We came here to help with thrashing the Dominion since we could finally take the chance to watch them collapse, and evacuating the civilians is just too boring for us!

  • *Several Airships arrive to unload Mira and as well as her forces and some Peasants to build their base*

  • Horner: Mira's Marauders are effective in sabotaging enemy fortifications and the Royal Guards, Sarah. Make use of them.
  • Kerrigan: Good, more reinforcements to aid us


Former Dominion fortifications could also be reinforced with Scourge bases instead of just open pathways that is the entrance of allied attack waves; Kerrigan could also hire their troops at their barracks


Another idea with Stukov:

Cutscene: *Heavy battle commences at the palace grounds*
  • Kerrigan: The palace is way too fortified with multiple airships and defenders...
  • Stukov: I have an idea, my queen. I will send the Aleksandr on a collision course with the overwatch then we can unleash the Scourge to finish off the survivors

  • *The Aleksandr flies to wards Mengsk's palace while Gargoyles, Flesh Flyers, Frost Wyrms, and Zombie Copters fly around to distract the defenders. The Aleksandr crashes down straight to the main door and explodes, destroying multiple defenders

  • Kerrigan: The main door is open and the pathway is exposed, onwards to victory!
Cutscene: *After all enemy forces in the palace grounds are destroyed, the Hyperion launches a powerful blast at an incoming fleet of Dominion airships and gunships*
  • *Different Scourge and Raider units await at outside the palace, Kerrigan is standing at the front center while Raynor, Zagara, and Stukov flank behind her. Dehaka is seen feasting on a dead Aegis Guard*

  • Kerrigan: Zagara, take command. I have an appointment with the emperor.
  • Zagara: Long live the queen.
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