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The Drakhani Fortress has evolved into a big enough city. Many childs have been trained the ways of a Warlock, a Demon Hunter, or the ways of a Warden

The Drakhani Fortress has evolved into a big enough city. Many childs have been trained the ways of a Warlock, a Demon Hunter, or the ways of a Warden

I suggest using another rock model, cause the one you use currently, is horrrrribbllyyyy :p but else it is preety nice =) and some more vegatation and additonal rocks in the top right would be great. and in the top left corner, there is a green nightelf tree, that really doesn't fit (on the screenshot) because you only see that pines and stuff, and then theere is such a green tree.
@Veronnis : Yes it is.. I have no other. Why?
@Fan : Thanks. :) And for the green night elf tree, well there were others, hidden -.-'
A lot I think. Why? If it's how the city grew, the city's construction started next day after CoI start.
Yeah, but I'm just surprised that everyone's apparently got such huge cities so early in this RP. No sweat though, I don't have much of a problem with that.
Sorry Herian I forgot to check back on my own question. And I was just wondering because if its the "main city" similar to my castle I think you should put some more work into making it "look" like a city or perhaps this is just a small portion of the city and I cant see the rest. In that case being your first screenshot of the city I would suggest that you make it a revealing screenshot to show your entire city and then have the next screenshot such as this occur after the entire city has been seen.
Also unless those buildings are wooden tents your Night Elf Archer could trample an elephant. Im trying to give constructive criticism sorry if it may seem otherwise. Good luck! =D
Well, 1-
@Cthulus : Well, it's been almost a month, (right?) that i've started building the city. And don't count the ddays passing from the previous pic (13 Aug) to this one (20 Aug). Remember, the pic where I and an exploration team left was I think on 7 Aug or less. :)

@Veronnis : Well, actually, the picture is made to show the bridge between the Palace and the Archtemple ;) not the main city. And it's not my first screenshot of the city. The very first part, I think, was the third pic or second.
And for the Night Elf Archer, normal scale. Everything here is normal-scaled besides me (added a 0.2 to make a difference between me and normal warlocks).
That's it.
Its very important to scale things it kills the mood of the entire picture if you cant walk into a normal door >< just a thought tho

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