STATUS: Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are completed. Chapter Seven will take a while, but not as long as Chapter Six took, I assure you.
This Album contains all of the "2Player: The Scourge of Lordaeron Campaign"'s Screenshots. It will be updated when needed. This campaign was heavily inspired by Whitewolf, b.k.a. Whitewolf8.
The Scourge of Lordaeron is a Campaign featured through out Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne. There is Easy, Normal, and Hard Mode. This map will be a great way to show how I view the Human structures as and how they should be like. It will feature full names of each character. Example, in warcraft 3 "Arthas" was just called Arthas. In my campaign maps he will be called Arthas Menethil.
I choose to do this campaign because of some people who like my ways of difficulty and because of a good friend who requested it. In conclusion. I've decided to do this campaign to the full potential if necessary. Adding not just one hero to each side, but even more. The Captains - such as - Falric, Luc Valonforth, and Marwynn will all appear as heroes and you will actually see them being special in their own way as units. You will have that feeling as if they really watched over Arthas Menethil until the very end of his campaign, just like they did in the novel. They are all not going to be just ONE CAPTAIN to confuse you. Many other features like this will be featured as well and I hope I finish as soon as possible.
I don't know why. That unfortunate footman is like poison. So I decided to bring him back. Frederick is a footman that appears originally in Whitewolf8's Tales of a Footman Campaign where the footman plays the typical role of a footman but as an hero. He goes around, does his duty, and then suddenly dies. Typical footman. I added him in my version of 2Player's "Exodus of the Horde" Campaign. In the Exodus, Frederick appeared during Prison Break of Chapter Four where he was the only prisoner who escaped alive. In chapter five we could see him trapped on an island not far from the mainland. Poor unfortunate fella. He's back ladies and gentlemen! Frederick will appear through the Human Campaign in honor of the person that inspired me to do the 2Player Campaigns in the first place. If you want more information about Frederick. Visit my 2Player: Exodus of the Horde Campaign's Album.
Credits to the Team:
Lockheart - Skin Re-modifier. (Active).
Heinvers - New Terrain of Dalaran and Stratholme.
Pyraeus - Triggers and New Playable Units Designer. (Active)
Forsaken - Creator of the Dalaran Cinematic. Status - Quit.
Zevry - AI Editing. (Active).
Dragunov - AI Editing and Creating. (Inactive from Hive. Most AI work is his).
- Menag's new last name "Dragunov" is a reference to the Hive Workshop's member of the same name that provided AI for my 2Player Campaigns, it is also the name used by Menag's brother, Devine Dragunov.
- In Chapter One of the Human Campaign, near the first village just when the player walks out from their starting zone, the players see a villager called "Heinvers" demolishing a wall around the well. This member is a reference to the Hive Workshop's member of the same name that provided cinematic terrain upgrades for the campaign. He is the only "un-killable" villager as well during the campaign.
- During the Searinox Boss Fight. Four elite skeletons spawn to combat the heroes. Flanker, the Grunt, who is a reference after the "Planking Wolf". Hell Master, the Burning Skeleton Archer, that is a clear reference to the Hive Workshop's moderator of the same name. Forsaken, the Skeleton Orc Champion, that is a clear reference to the Hive Workshop member of the same name. And Pyra, that is a clear reference to "Pyraeus".
- Frederick is a clear reference to Whitewolf8's Footman of the same name that appears during his Tales of a Footman Campaign. Both are portrayed as unfortunate footmen that meet their end after they accomplish their successful duty. Frederick has also appeared during my version of the "2Player: Exodus of the Horde" Campaign.
- The name Lahai is a reference after a character I'm writing about, but also a town in the Kerala state, India.
- Most enemy heroes were named by Heinvers who also provided help in the making of the 2Player Campaign with terrain.
- Lockie Lockheart is a reference to the Hive Workshop member of the same name that provided help during the making of the campaign. She was the one that featured many re-skins that made the campaign possible. Since Banshees weren't with the Undead Scourge before the Fall of Silvermoon. She was set to be a "Wraith" that resembles a banshee's model due to the fact that her favorite race, as stated on her profile, are blood elves. Her title "Dark Times Wraith" is a clear reference to the "Dark Times" map being made by Imago in which she also provided help for.
- During Chapter Four of the Campaign. Kel'Thuzad carries a "Ring of the Archmagi" that is a reference to his past life of being a member of the Council of Six of the Kirin Tor and a devious powerful Arch-Mage.
- Abrakkar the Wretched is a clear reference to the Lich of the same name that appears in the Warcraft RPG. His background story was never made and so it was made here. He later on dies versus the Forsaken in the ruined lands of Lordaeron.
- Adrelf'kal Bloodfury is a reference to an orcish character I'm writing about who's last name is "Bloodhrer". However, unlike in warcraft. He serves as one of the main evil antagonists of my novel.
- Furious Shadowy Acolyte is a clear reference to Shadow Fury, the map rater of the Hive Workshop.
- The concept of Kel'Thuzad's new throne chair and icy glaciers around it is inspired by Kel'Thuzad's throne room in Naxxramas in World of Warcraft.
- The Andorhal Graveyard was designed in order to show that Kel'Thuzad dies there and later on his corpse is recovered there during "Path of the Damned".
- Devine Dragunov is a reference to "Divine Arms" and "Dragunov", both members of the Hive Workshop. Divine Arms voiced the character, while the Hearthglen chapter was the last chapter that was AI edited by Dragunov before his disappearance from Hive.
- Arkus Winterchill was a character made to represent the past of "Rage Winterchill", who would be a Lich who sided with the Burning Legion, instead of the Undead Scourge during the Battle of Mount Hyjal. During the course of the Scourge of Lordaeron, Arkus is deeply loyal to Mal'Ganis and the dreadlord's elite guard are in fact the Shadow Reavers, a group Arkus was responsible for recruiting during the Invasion of Hearthglen.
- In Chapters 1, 2, 3 there is a Kobold Shover called Verbatim who's a reference to "Verb8tim", who tested the campaign maps and pointed out the clear and unusual bugs in all three chapters.
- During the Culling of Stratholme the Containment Squad's Captain, Marwyn, says: "Some men were laughing at me. They wanted me to keep guard here. They're brave, sire.", which is a direct reference to Shar Dundred's story of how he and his friend laughed at the useless un-moving Marwyn in the earlier versions of Human06.